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Bug#1050573: bullseye-pu: package openssl/1.1.1v-0~deb11u1

On 2023-08-26 14:50:09 [+0200], To submit@bugs.debian.org wrote:
> This is an update of the openssl package to the 1.1.1v version, a patch release

Upstream announced to release 1.1.1w on 11th September. They said it is
a "security-fix" with the highest severity defined as "low". This is
also the case for the current two CVEs. Therefore I assume that they
don't have to be fixed asap (i.e. via -security).
Also it will be the last 1.1.1 release since it will reach EOL on the
11th. I will prepare an update…

The upstream announcement:


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