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Bug#1050546: bookworm-pu: package vorta/0.8.10-1+deb12u1

Control: tags -1 - moreinfo

"Adam D. Barratt" <adam@adam-barratt.org.uk> writes:

> On Fri, 2023-08-25 at 21:17 -0400, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
>> <#part type="application/octet-stream"
>> filename="/home/sten/Dropbox/tmp/0.8.10-1_to_0.8.10-
>> 1+deb12u1.debdiff" disposition=attachment>
>> <#/part>
> That seems to have been missed.

Ah, I see I failed to use reportbug's special attachment method.  My
bad.  Thanks for letting me know, and this should now be fixed!

diff -Nru vorta-0.8.10/debian/changelog vorta-0.8.10/debian/changelog
--- vorta-0.8.10/debian/changelog	2023-01-23 15:06:42.000000000 -0500
+++ vorta-0.8.10/debian/changelog	2023-07-31 11:10:53.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+vorta (0.8.10-1+deb12u1) bookworm; urgency=medium
+  * Add 0006-Handle-ctime-and-mtime-diff-changes-1675.patch, which is a
+    cherry-picked fix from upstream that adapts Vorta 0.8.10 to Borg 1.2.4
+    (Closes: #1042671).
+ -- Nicholas D Steeves <sten@debian.org>  Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:10:53 -0400
 vorta (0.8.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
diff -Nru vorta-0.8.10/debian/patches/0006-Handle-ctime-and-mtime-diff-changes-1675.patch vorta-0.8.10/debian/patches/0006-Handle-ctime-and-mtime-diff-changes-1675.patch
--- vorta-0.8.10/debian/patches/0006-Handle-ctime-and-mtime-diff-changes-1675.patch	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ vorta-0.8.10/debian/patches/0006-Handle-ctime-and-mtime-diff-changes-1675.patch	2023-07-31 11:10:53.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+From: Henry Spanka <henry@spanka.eu>
+Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2023 21:10:56 +0200
+Subject: Handle ctime and mtime diff changes (#1675)
+Bug: https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/issues/1672
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1042671
+Applied-Upstream: 0.8.11, https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/commit/e3451ed49e4a760d2a0d037ef45f22155eeb2ed9
+Borg v1.2.4 added new change types called `mtime` and `ctime` for the modification and the creation time of a file.
+Our diff json parser doesn't support these changes yet.
+The plain text parser doesn't need to be updated since it is only used for earlier versions of borg.
+This also extends the tooltip in the diff view to show changes in `ctime` or `mtime` in a localised manner.
+* src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Add `CTIME` and `MTIME` linking to `MODIFIED`.
+* src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffData): Add fields `ctime_change` and `mtime_change`.
+* src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Parse the new change types.
+* src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.data): Add time changes to tooltip in a human readable format.
+* tests/test_diff.py : Update test data to include new change types. Add additional test cases for unittesting the new change types.
+ src/vorta/views/diff_result.py |  55 ++++++++++++-
+ tests/test_diff.py             | 176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ 2 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/vorta/views/diff_result.py b/src/vorta/views/diff_result.py
+index 6a8e5ba..cf8b936 100644
+--- a/src/vorta/views/diff_result.py
++++ b/src/vorta/views/diff_result.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ from pathlib import PurePath
+ from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
+ from PyQt5 import uic
+-from PyQt5.QtCore import QMimeData, QModelIndex, QPoint, Qt, QThread, QUrl
++from PyQt5.QtCore import QDateTime, QLocale, QMimeData, QModelIndex, QPoint, Qt, QThread, QUrl
+ from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor, QKeySequence
+ from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QHeaderView, QMenu, QShortcut, QTreeView
+ from vorta.utils import get_asset, pretty_bytes, uses_dark_mode
+@@ -206,6 +206,8 @@ def parse_diff_json(diffs: List[dict], model: 'DiffTree'):
+         change_type: ChangeType = None
+         mode_change: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None
+         owner_change: Optional[Tuple[str, str, str, str]] = None
++        ctime_change: Optional[Tuple[QDateTime, QDateTime]] = None
++        mtime_change: Optional[Tuple[QDateTime, QDateTime]] = None
+         modified: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None
+         # added link, removed link, changed link
+@@ -213,6 +215,8 @@ def parse_diff_json(diffs: List[dict], model: 'DiffTree'):
+         # added directory, removed directory
+         # owner (old_user, new_user, old_group, new_group))
+         # mode (old_mode, new_mode)
++        # ctime (old_ctime, new_ctime)
++        # mtime (old_mtime, new_mtime)
+         for change in item['changes']:
+             # if more than one type of change has happened for this file/dir/link, then report the most important
+             # (higher priority)
+@@ -269,6 +273,22 @@ def parse_diff_json(diffs: List[dict], model: 'DiffTree'):
+                     change['new_user'],
+                     change['new_group'],
+                 )
++            elif change['type'] == 'ctime':
++                # ctime change can occur along with previous changes
++                change_type = ChangeType.MODIFIED
++                ctime_change = (
++                    QDateTime.fromString(change['old_ctime'], Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                    QDateTime.fromString(change['new_ctime'], Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                )
++            elif change['type'] == 'mtime':
++                # mtime change can occur along with previous changes
++                change_type = ChangeType.MODIFIED
++                mtime_change = (
++                    QDateTime.fromString(change['old_mtime'], Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                    QDateTime.fromString(change['new_mtime'], Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                )
+             else:
+                 raise Exception('Unknown change type: {}'.format(change['type']))
+@@ -282,6 +302,8 @@ def parse_diff_json(diffs: List[dict], model: 'DiffTree'):
+                     size=size,
+                     mode_change=mode_change,
+                     owner_change=owner_change,
++                    ctime_change=ctime_change,
++                    mtime_change=mtime_change,
+                     modified=modified,
+                 ),
+             )
+@@ -492,6 +514,8 @@ class ChangeType(enum.Enum):
+                     such as - a file is deleted and replaced with
+                     a directory of the same name.
+     owner - user and/or group ownership changed.
++    ctime - creation time changed.
++    mtime - modification time changed.
+     size:
+         If type == `added` or `removed`,
+@@ -518,6 +542,14 @@ class ChangeType(enum.Enum):
+         See old_user property.
+     new_group:
+         See old_user property.
++    old_ctime:
++        If type == `ctime`, then old_ctime and new_ctime provide creation time changes.
++    new_ctime:
++        See old_ctime property.
++    old_mtime:
++        If type == `mtime`, then old_mtime and new_mtime provide modification time changes.
++    new_mtime:
++        See old_mtime property.
+     """
+     NONE = 0  # no change
+@@ -531,6 +563,8 @@ class ChangeType(enum.Enum):
+     MODE = MODIFIED  # changed permissions
+     def short(self):
+         """Get a short identifier for the change type."""
+@@ -588,6 +622,8 @@ class DiffData:
+     size: int  # size change (disk usage)
+     mode_change: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None
+     owner_change: Optional[Tuple[str, str, str, str]] = None
++    ctime_change: Optional[Tuple[QDateTime, QDateTime]] = None
++    mtime_change: Optional[Tuple[QDateTime, QDateTime]] = None
+     modified: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None
+@@ -798,6 +834,7 @@ def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole):
+             modified_template = self.tr("Added {}, deleted {}")
+             owner_template = "{: <10} -> {: >10}"
++            time_template = "{}: {} -> {}"
+             permission_template = "{} -> {}"
+             # format
+@@ -844,4 +881,20 @@ def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole):
+                     "{}:{}".format(item.data.owner_change[2], item.data.owner_change[3]),
+                 )
++            if item.data.ctime_change:
++                tooltip += '\n'
++                tooltip += time_template.format(
++                    "Creation Time",
++                    QLocale.system().toString(item.data.ctime_change[0], QLocale.FormatType.ShortFormat),
++                    QLocale.system().toString(item.data.ctime_change[1], QLocale.FormatType.ShortFormat),
++                )
++            if item.data.mtime_change:
++                tooltip += '\n'
++                tooltip += time_template.format(
++                    "Modification Time",
++                    QLocale.system().toString(item.data.mtime_change[0], QLocale.FormatType.ShortFormat),
++                    QLocale.system().toString(item.data.mtime_change[1], QLocale.FormatType.ShortFormat),
++                )
+             return tooltip
+diff --git a/tests/test_diff.py b/tests/test_diff.py
+index a4e265d..7392977 100644
+--- a/tests/test_diff.py
++++ b/tests/test_diff.py
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ from pathlib import PurePath
+ import pytest
+-from PyQt5.QtCore import QItemSelectionModel
++from PyQt5.QtCore import QDateTime, QItemSelectionModel, Qt
+ import vorta.borg
+ import vorta.utils
+ import vorta.views.archive_tab
+@@ -56,11 +56,22 @@ def check(feature_name):
+     [
+         (
+             'changed link        some/changed/link',
+-            ('some/changed/link', FileType.LINK, ChangeType.CHANGED_LINK, 0, 0, None, None, None),
++            ('some/changed/link', FileType.LINK, ChangeType.CHANGED_LINK, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
+         ),
+         (
+             ' +77.8 kB  -77.8 kB some/changed/file',
+-            ('some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODIFIED, 2 * 77800, 0, None, None, (77800, 77800)),
++            (
++                'some/changed/file',
++                FileType.FILE,
++                ChangeType.MODIFIED,
++                2 * 77800,
++                0,
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++                (77800, 77800),
++            ),
+         ),
+         (
+             ' +77.8 kB  -77.8 kB [-rw-rw-rw- -> -rw-r--r--] some/changed/file',
+@@ -72,20 +83,33 @@ def check(feature_name):
+                 0,
+                 ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
+                 None,
++                None,
++                None,
+                 (77800, 77800),
+             ),
+         ),
+         (
+             '[-rw-rw-rw- -> -rw-r--r--] some/changed/file',
+-            ('some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODE, 0, 0, ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'), None, None),
++            (
++                'some/changed/file',
++                FileType.FILE,
++                ChangeType.MODE,
++                0,
++                0,
++                ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++            ),
+         ),
+         (
+             'added directory    some/changed/dir',
+-            ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.ADDED, 0, 0, None, None, None),
++            ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.ADDED, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
+         ),
+         (
+             'removed directory  some/changed/dir',
+-            ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.REMOVED_DIR, 0, 0, None, None, None),
++            ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.REMOVED_DIR, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
+         ),
+         # Example from https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/issues/521
+         (
+@@ -99,12 +123,25 @@ def check(feature_name):
+                 None,
+                 ('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'),
+                 None,
++                None,
++                None,
+             ),
+         ),
+         # Very short owner change, to check stripping whitespace from file path
+         (
+             '[a:a -> b:b]       home/user/arrays/test.txt',
+-            ('home/user/arrays/test.txt', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.OWNER, 0, 0, None, ('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'), None),
++            (
++                'home/user/arrays/test.txt',
++                FileType.FILE,
++                ChangeType.OWNER,
++                0,
++                0,
++                None,
++                ('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'),
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++            ),
+         ),
+         # All file-related changes in one test
+         (
+@@ -117,6 +154,8 @@ def check(feature_name):
+                 77000,
+                 ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
+                 ('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'),
++                None,
++                None,
+                 (77800, 800),
+             ),
+         ),
+@@ -139,11 +178,22 @@ def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected):
+     [
+         (
+             {'path': 'some/changed/link', 'changes': [{'type': 'changed link'}]},
+-            ('some/changed/link', FileType.LINK, ChangeType.CHANGED_LINK, 0, 0, None, None, None),
++            ('some/changed/link', FileType.LINK, ChangeType.CHANGED_LINK, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
+         ),
+         (
+             {'path': 'some/changed/file', 'changes': [{'type': 'modified', 'added': 77800, 'removed': 77800}]},
+-            ('some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODIFIED, 2 * 77800, 0, None, None, (77800, 77800)),
++            (
++                'some/changed/file',
++                FileType.FILE,
++                ChangeType.MODIFIED,
++                2 * 77800,
++                0,
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++                (77800, 77800),
++            ),
+         ),
+         (
+             {
+@@ -161,6 +211,8 @@ def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected):
+                 77000,
+                 ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
+                 None,
++                None,
++                None,
+                 (77800, 800),
+             ),
+         ),
+@@ -169,15 +221,26 @@ def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected):
+                 'path': 'some/changed/file',
+                 'changes': [{'type': 'mode', 'old_mode': '-rw-rw-rw-', 'new_mode': '-rw-r--r--'}],
+             },
+-            ('some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODE, 0, 0, ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'), None, None),
++            (
++                'some/changed/file',
++                FileType.FILE,
++                ChangeType.MODE,
++                0,
++                0,
++                ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++            ),
+         ),
+         (
+             {'path': 'some/changed/dir', 'changes': [{'type': 'added directory'}]},
+-            ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.ADDED, 0, 0, None, None, None),
++            ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.ADDED, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
+         ),
+         (
+             {'path': 'some/changed/dir', 'changes': [{'type': 'removed directory'}]},
+-            ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.REMOVED_DIR, 0, 0, None, None, None),
++            ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.REMOVED_DIR, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
+         ),
+         # Example from https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/issues/521
+         (
+@@ -202,6 +265,8 @@ def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected):
+                 None,
+                 ('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'),
+                 None,
++                None,
++                None,
+             ),
+         ),
+         # Very short owner change, to check stripping whitespace from file path
+@@ -210,7 +275,74 @@ def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected):
+                 'path': 'home/user/arrays/test.txt',
+                 'changes': [{'type': 'owner', 'old_user': 'a', 'new_user': 'b', 'old_group': 'a', 'new_group': 'b'}],
+             },
+-            ('home/user/arrays/test.txt', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.OWNER, 0, 0, None, ('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'), None),
++            (
++                'home/user/arrays/test.txt',
++                FileType.FILE,
++                ChangeType.OWNER,
++                0,
++                0,
++                None,
++                ('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'),
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++            ),
++        ),
++        # Short ctime change
++        (
++            {
++                'path': 'home/user/arrays',
++                'changes': [
++                    {
++                        'new_ctime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630',
++                        'old_ctime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948',
++                        'type': 'ctime',
++                    }
++                ],
++            },
++            (
++                'home/user/arrays',
++                FileType.FILE,
++                ChangeType.MODIFIED,
++                0,
++                0,
++                None,
++                None,
++                (
++                    QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                    QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                ),
++                None,
++                None,
++            ),
++        ),
++        # Short mtime change
++        (
++            {
++                'path': 'home/user/arrays',
++                'changes': [
++                    {
++                        'new_mtime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630',
++                        'old_mtime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948',
++                        'type': 'mtime',
++                    }
++                ],
++            },
++            (
++                'home/user/arrays',
++                FileType.FILE,
++                ChangeType.MODIFIED,
++                0,
++                0,
++                None,
++                None,
++                None,
++                (
++                    QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                    QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                ),
++                None,
++            ),
+         ),
+         # All file-related changes in one test
+         (
+@@ -226,6 +358,16 @@ def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected):
+                         'old_group': 'user',
+                         'new_group': 'nfsnobody',
+                     },
++                    {
++                        'new_ctime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630',
++                        'old_ctime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948',
++                        'type': 'ctime',
++                    },
++                    {
++                        'new_mtime': '2023-04-01T17:15:50.290565',
++                        'old_mtime': '2023-03-05T00:24:00.359045',
++                        'type': 'mtime',
++                    },
+                 ],
+             },
+             (
+@@ -236,6 +378,14 @@ def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected):
+                 0,
+                 ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
+                 ('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'),
++                (
++                    QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                    QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                ),
++                (
++                    QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-05T00:24:00.359045', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                    QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:15:50.290565', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
++                ),
+                 (77800, 77800),
+             ),
+         ),
diff -Nru vorta-0.8.10/debian/patches/series vorta-0.8.10/debian/patches/series
--- vorta-0.8.10/debian/patches/series	2023-01-23 15:06:42.000000000 -0500
+++ vorta-0.8.10/debian/patches/series	2023-07-31 11:10:53.000000000 -0400
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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