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DSA for jupyter-core in oldstable triggers nbconvert autopkgtest

Hi nbconvert maintainers,

DSA 5422 [1] seems to be triggering an autopkgtest regression in nbconvert. Looking at the name of the test, this could be a serious problem for nbconvert users on oldstable. Can you please investigate and let us know if you need to fix nbconvert in the next point release update?

From the log [2]:
109s =================================== FAILURES =================================== 109s _____________________ TestNbConvertApp.test_default_config _____________________
109s self = <nbconvert.tests.test_nbconvertapp.TestNbConvertApp testMethod=test_default_config>
109s     def test_default_config(self):
109s         """
109s         Does the default config work?
109s         """
109s with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb', 'jupyter_nbconvert_config.py']):
109s >           self.nbconvert('--log-level 0')
109s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nbconvert/tests/test_nbconvertapp.py:227: 109s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
109s self = <nbconvert.tests.test_nbconvertapp.TestNbConvertApp testMethod=test_default_config> 109s parameters = ['--log-level', '0'], ignore_return_code = False, stdin = None
109s def nbconvert(self, parameters, ignore_return_code=False, stdin=None):
109s         """
109s         Run nbconvert as a shell command, listening for both Errors and
109s         non-zero return codes. Returns the tuple (stdout, stderr) of
109s         output produced during the nbconvert run.
109s         Parameters
109s         ----------
109s         parameters : str, list(str)
109s             List of parameters to pass to IPython.
109s         ignore_return_code : optional bool (default False)
109s             Throw an OSError if the return code
109s         """
109s         cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'nbconvert']
109s         if sys.platform == 'win32':
109s             if isinstance(parameters, string_types):
109s                 cmd = ' '.join(cmd) + ' ' + parameters
109s             else:
109s                 cmd = ' '.join(cmd + parameters)
109s         else:
109s             if isinstance(parameters, string_types):
109s                 parameters = shlex.split(parameters)
109s             cmd += parameters
109s         p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
109s         stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=stdin)
109s         if not (p.returncode == 0 or ignore_return_code):
109s >           raise OSError(bytes_to_str(stderr))
109s E           OSError
109s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nbconvert/tests/base.py:162: OSError


[1] https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/DSA-5422
[2] https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/oldstable/amd64/n/nbconvert/36344377/log.gz

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