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Bug#1040001: Role of tibble? (Was: Bug#1040001: Seeking advise how to proceed with the transition / move R stack to testing)


Am Thu, Jul 06, 2023 at 08:28:45PM +0200 schrieb Paul Gevers:
> On 06-07-2023 19:08, Paul Gevers wrote:
> > Yes, we'll take care of that where it looks sane to do so (examples of
> > that are r-cran-epi); I'll manually schedule the "combined" tests, such
> > that they disappear from the excuses if they then pass.
> I'm seeing in several tests where things seem to work when r-cran-tibble
> from unstable is involved and fail if the version from unstable is used;
       ^^^^^^^^                 ^^^^                     ^^^^^^^^

Are you sure there is no typo in your sentence?  At least I fail to
understand.  I assume the latter "unstable" should be "testing", right?

> e.g. here: https://ci.debian.net/packages/r/r-cran-rsample/testing/amd64/

I can only say that tibble is used by a lot of packages directly as
dependency (69 in my locally stored repositories - may be some more).
In addition there are further dependencies of higher order.
> Is there something special about r-cran-tibble? It didn't grow a dependency
> on r-graphics-engine according to https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=r-cran-tibble&arch=amd64&ver=3.2.1%2Bdfsg-2&stamp=1688629916&raw=0
> so it doesn't seem to be involved in that part of the discussion.

I confirm it shouldn't be involved into the r-graphics-engine issue.
May be there is some other "hidden" transition needed which is connected
to some interface of tibble?  Dirk, can you shed some light into this?

Kind regards


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