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Re: Opinion on splitting official architecture (tiers)

As someone with a PITA package that's frequently dealing every month with strange issues on lightly-used architectures, I'd support a Tier II system for i386/armel/etc. However, at the risk of making this overly complex - I would prefer to see a bit more granularity on a per-package or per-priority basis. For example, perhaps:

- Tier II architecture RC bugs in 'required' and 'important' priority packages would still prevent migration, and package maintainers would still be expected to fix them. They should (or must?) also be fixed for a stable release. - Tier II architecture RC bugs in 'optional' packages would NOT prevent migration, and package maintainers do not need to actively work on fixing them (although they should accept reasonable patches that fix the RC bug). They need not be fixed for a stable release to happen, although fixes for those RC bugs should be prioritized for subsequent stable point releases. - I'm not sure about 'standard' packages. I'd lean towards the same rules as required & important.

Someone who has thought about this more should probably decide just how functional a Tier II architecture need be. I could install an armhf headless server machine with very few optional packages and be happy, but if I had an old i386 desktop then I'd be pretty sad without a lot of optional packages like firefox or chromium. So I could also see some rule based on some kind of task-style package (but without the task-foo-desktop|task-bar-desktop stuff) instead of priorities.

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