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Re: Bug#1034016: unblock (pre-approval): debos/1.1.1-2.1

Hello Chris,

On Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 04:37:30PM +0100, Christopher Obbard wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> As the upstream maintainer, I can just tag a new version upstream as 1.1.2 & pick that in Debian.
> Then I hope it can flow into bookworm?

I wonder if the release team will accept a new upstream release at this
point in the freeze.... We're pretty deep into the hard freeze at this
point (but I don't have enough insight into how the release team works
these days, it seems much more relaxed than in the old times where I was
more involved and basically any extra character would get you a NACK,
specially an "unneccessary" upstream version number change).

Do you have time to do all the work and still accept a potential NO from
the release team? Please be honest to yourself.

IMHO it feels much safer to just go with a targeted upload (which is now
also already approved), but if you feel strongly about it and also think
you have time to pursue a new release then just send me a NACK on the
NMU (ASAP! I'm ready to upload *now*) and I will not pursue it.

> The past few months have been... quite crazy in my personal life so I
> haven't gotten around to doing this as yet. Huge apologies for that,
> it is on my radar this week.
> Hope that is acceptable to you?

No need to apologize. We're all busy sometimes and that's why we have
NMUs so we can help each other out. (I've also been quite busy or the
NMU would have happened much sooner in the release cycle.)
Thanks for all the work you have had time to do!

> Thanks,
> Chris

Andreas Henriksson

PS. Feel free to ignore my NMU and just upload the new upstream release
once we're past the freeze/release and the development opens up again.

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