Bug#1028283: transition: qtbase-abi-5-15-8
Control: tags -1 confirmed
Hi Dmitry
On 2023-01-09 12:26:41 +0400, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
> Package: release.debian.org
> Severity: normal
> User: release.debian.org@packages.debian.org
> Usertags: transition
> Forwarded: https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/qtbase-abi-5-15-8.html
> Control: affects -1 + src:qtbase-opensource-src
> Dear Release team,
> As we discussed in #1025863, let's try to get Qt 5.15.8 into unstable.
> It's a bugfix release from the 5.15 LTS branch.
> Also, there is Qt WebEngine 5.15.12 release, with security backports from
> Chromium.
> The packages have been prepared in experimental.
Please go ahead.
We'll handle the packages involved involved in the python3.11-default
transition via tpu after everything has been built in unstable.
Sebastian Ramacher
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