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Bug#1026199: release.debian.org: Is the toolchain list updated for bookworm

Dear Sam,

On 16-12-2022 02:40, Sam Hartman wrote:
I was looking at https://release.debian.org/testing/essential-and-build-essential.txt

trying to figure out which packages I'm involved in are covered by the
toolchain freeze.  I am wondering what's still pulling
libgssapi-krb5-2 and friends into build-essential.  It used to be
pulled in via pam via libtirpc, but that should have gone away with
the pam upload of 1.4.0-13.

I'm wondering if that list hasn't been recently updated or if there's some other dependency cycle pulling in krb5?

I just refreshed the list, it's still there. I used a script on udd, essentially this:

essentials = {'build-essential'}

def add_sql_packages(con, essentials, query):
    cur = con.cursor()

    items = cur.fetchall()

    for item in items:
        if item[0] is not None:
            no_alt = re.sub(alternatives, "", item[0])
            no_ver = re.sub(version, "", no_alt)

            for x in no_ver.split(','):
                essentials.add(re.sub(multiarch, "", x.strip()))

query = "SELECT DISTINCT package FROM packages WHERE release = 'bookworm' and essential = 'yes'"

add_sql_packages(con, essentials, query)

done = False
while not done:
    ess_org = copy.copy(essentials)
query = """SELECT DISTINCT depends FROM packages WHERE release = 'bookworm' and
package in ('%s')""" % "','".join(essentials)
    add_sql_packages(con, essentials, query)
    if essentials == ess_org:
        done = True

I haven't checked yet what pulled it in.


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