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Bug#1012362: transition: luajit

Hi Mo,

On 07-06-2022 17:36, M. Zhou wrote:
This should be achievable by patching debian/control
during build once detected IBM architectures.

This is not allowed. I currently fail to find where that's written down, but I'm fairly sure that the relevant parties agree that debian/control must not be mangled with during build. The ftp-reject list touches upon it, albeit for a different reason [1]. debian/control has to be unchanged in source. But, maybe you can try to add two stanza's for the same binary name, one with the Archs !s390x !ppc64el and another for s390x and ppc64el. I'm not totally sure if that's allowed and if the tools handle it well, but may be worth a try.

IIRC adding new architecture without new binary package
does not have to go through NEW.

Indeed, they don't.

Does that sound good?

Yes, except for the part about patching d/control. We'll have to find another way. An alternative to what I wrote before is a extension of the description to say that the binary is empty on s390x and ppc64el.


[1] https://ftp-master.debian.org/REJECT-FAQ.html : debian/control breakage #2
which basically means that everything must be defined at the beginning of the build.

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