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Re: rakudo permanent tracker and transition


On 03-02-2022 04:24, M. Zhou wrote:
Some time ago the rakudo tracker is set up

At that time packages like raku-tap-harness depends on
  raku-api-2021.09 , which is provided by rakudo 2021.09

Now that rakudo 2021.12 has landed onto unstable, and
the API has been bumped to raku-api-2021.12 . But it
did not trigger an automatic rebuild for packages
depending on raku-api-2021.09 .

Our trackers don't trigger *automatic* rebuilds. They help scheduling *manual* rebuilds. They are not automated as it extremely often needs knowledge of agreements and otherwise factors that are difficult to put in heuristics. We, the Release Team, hardly look at the permanent trackers, they are mostly an aid for the teams behind those.

I don't know how the transition tracker works. Could
you please provide some advice on the transition?

As with all required rebuilds, you can request them (preferably using $(reportbug release.debian.org). I'll schedule the rebuilds shortly for this round.

I'm slightly surprised that perl6-readline isn't picked up by the tracker. We'll need to check why that is.


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