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Bug#1004915: transition: ruby2.7-rm

Control: forwarded -1 https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/ruby3.0-default.html

Hi Antonio, Lucas

On 15-02-2022 21:31, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
I saw that this was already added to the list of planned transitions,
thanks for that. according to
https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/ruby2.7-rm.html the
conflicts seem to be small enough to be easily manageable. Or am I
missing something?

I just had a discussion with Antonio on Jitsi and I think we agreed that it's smart to do this transition in two steps, very similar to Python transitions. That is, first do the transition where the default is switched, because this only effects binaries that only build for the default ruby version and probably more or less need to migrate in one go (and where we want to avoid collisions with other transitions because of that). The second transition is than the removal of the ruby2.7 where the rebuild needs to happen in reversed dependency order to ensure that the rebuild packages can transition on their own (for that they need to leave reverse dependencies installable). Not mixing these two makes it easier to have the transitions move forward with minimal effort.

Does that make sense to you?


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