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Bug#976811: [pkg-php-pear] Bug#976811: transition: php8.1

On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 12:18:34PM +0100, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Hi Kunal,
> Thanks for the analysis.
> On 20-01-2022 10:56, Kunal Mehta wrote:
> > > I can't tell what it may be trying to encode, but presumably it's either
> > > Main_Page or something used by Main_Page, which I'm guessing should only
> > > take a fraction of a second to encode.  I suppose we could test
> > > increasing max_execution_time.  But my suspicion is that the encoder is
> > > getting stuck in a loop or a recursion.
> > 
> > 30 seconds seems a bit absurd, but given an empty opcache/jit, empty
> > caches, on 32-bit VMs, it's within the realm of possibility...I think
> > bumping max_execution_time is a good next step. Should the test add a
> > php.ini snippet or something?
> I think that would be great. But please upload to Debian as well, let's not
> only have these tests in Ubuntu.
> > I read through the 8.1 changelog
> > (<https://www.php.net/ChangeLog-8.php#PHP_8_1>) and couldn't find
> > anything relevant that wasn't already in PHP 8.0.8 (specifically <https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/bf9dc534356ec3b372abe5f3030c3e362aa261ac>
> > looked suspect, but that was included in 8.0.7).
> In Debian we're going from 7.4 to 8.1, so all intermediate upstreams are
> relevant.
> > Just to give some expectations, I won't have time to dig into this until
> > the weekend. I did drop a pointer to the bug in the MediaWiki developers
> > IRC channel in case anyone there had suggestions.
> Can that php.ini addition to the test happen thought, or is even that to
> much of your time? (Not blaming, just asking).

I've not tried it myself but the web suggests this might also be
controllable on a per-test basis via patching the test with something

    ini_set('max_execution_time', '300');

Another option, which might be more suitable for a self-contained dep8
test than a patch, would be an .htaccess file, with a line like:

    php_value max_execution_time 300

ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8744107/increase-max-execution-time-in-php

Poking around a bit on SO, it does appear that hitting json_encode
timeouts is a thing:


Adjusting max_execution_time seems to be the commonly suggested solution
across the board.


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