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Bug#996204: transition: numerical library stack

On 2021-10-22 14:35, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
On 2021-10-12 13:09:02, Drew Parsons wrote:
I'd like to proceed with a transition of the numerical library stack.
(along with other fenics components). There is currently some problem
with fenics-dolfinx 1:0.3.0-4 on 32-bit arches i386, armel, armhf.

I've got dolfinx passing (or skipping) its own tests on 32-bit.

There's a problem with 32-bit MPI though. i386 and armhf are failing to run pytest over python unit tests in MPI (fenics-dolfinx/debian/tests/test-dolfinx-python-unittests). The error is reproducible from the command line on an i386 porterbox,
  $ cd fenics-dolfinx-0.3.0/python/test/unit
  $ mpirun -n 2 pytest-3 -v
rootdir: /home/dparsons/fenics/fenics-dolfinx-0.3.0/python, configfile: setup.cfg
  plugins: mpi-0+unknown
  collecting 0 items / 1 error
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- "MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with errorcode 59."

I haven't been able to coax any more detail out of it than that.

Might be something more insidious going on with 32-bit python and MPI. mpi4py is also failing i386 tests, see

On the other hand fenics-dolfinx demo_elasticity.py is passing fine in MPI (though I did have to disable the helmholtz, condensation and poisson demos).

pytest-mpi is passing its tests on i386 and armhf.

What's best for us? Just skip the fenics-dolfinx python units tests in MPI on 32-bit machines? Or configure the migration tool to ignore these i386/armhf test failures, so that we can keep monitoring the tests in debci?


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