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Bug#998012: [EXTERNAL] Bug#998012: transition: healpix-cxx


On 28-10-2021 21:31, Singer, Leo P. (GSFC-6610) wrote:
>> On Oct 28, 2021, at 13:54, Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org> wrote:
>> Hi Leo,
>> On 28-10-2021 15:49, Singer, Leo P. (GSFC-6610) wrote:
>>>> For healpy,
>>>> apart from the rebuild (which we can schedule), is there anything else
>>>> that need to happen? I assume a rebuild is all that's needed and you're
>>>> pointing out that you can fix issues when/if they arise.
>>> No, no special issues with Healpy. Anyway it's looking like Healpy upstream might be doing a release soon.
>> For avoidance of doubt, please *don't* upload new versions until the
>> transition is done, unless needed to finish the transition.
> Hold on a second... Christoph is telling me that he needs me to upload healpix-cxx to unstable. I am hearing two conflicting things.

I was talking about healpy. Indeed, please upload healpix-cxx to
unstable to start the transition. healpy is involved in the transition.
We always try to process transitions as quick as possible, so
unnecessary new versions of involved packages can cause issues we're not
aware of causing delays in the transition. Hence, please refrain from
uploading anything except the package in transition unless it's needed
for the transition.


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