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Bug#969009: transition: sleuthkit

* Samuel Henrique:

> Hello Sebastian, cc'in Hilko (who can shout if I'm saying something
> wrong here)
> I'm helping Francisco with this transition and so I figure I should chime in,
>> pytsk build depends on libtsk-dev but the binaries don't depend on
>> libtsk13. Is that expected?
> Yes, pytsk bundles libtsk and so it ends up in the "Built-Using" field
> instead of a dependency, I confirmed that the binaries don't get
> linked to it.

This is only partly true. The pytsk source package does not bundle
anything. I have modified the build script to link the system's libtsk
statically instead of fetching Sleuthkit sources over the network at
build time. This is why the Built-Using header is there.

Please refer to
and look for "-Wl,-Bstatic -ltsk -Wl,-Bdynamic" in the build logs, e.g. [1].

> It's my assumption that in such cases there is no need to list the
> package in the transition, would say this is the correct approach? 

This is correct.

> We will perform a new upload of the package nonetheless just so our
> users can get the fresh stuff.

In the case of pytsk, triggering a rebuild should be enough.


[1] https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=pytsk&arch=amd64&ver=20190507-1.1%2Bb1&stamp=1586514413&raw=0

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