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Bug#975086: buster-pu: package dav4tbsync


On Sat, 2020-11-21 at 15:13 +0000, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Sat, 2020-11-21 at 14:04 +0100, Mechtilde Stehmann wrote:
> > I hope this is the file you missed.
> Well, yes and no. That looks more like the diff between the current
> package in unstable and what you're proposing to upload, whereas I
> was more thinking of the diff between 1.21-1~deb10u1 and the proposed
> new version.
> Comparing the package from p-u against unstable gives us:
> 176 files changed, 7432 insertions(+), 2366 deletions(-)
> of which a significant portion appears to be Google Javascript
> libraries. I assume the new upstream version is needed specifically
> to allow Thunderbird 78 compatibility, rather than simply adding the
> manifest.json changes?

Just a quick note / reminder that if we want to get the newer update
into the upcoming point release then it needs to have been uploaded and
processed by this coming weekend.

If compatibility with Thunderbird 78 means we definitely need 1.23
rather than an updated 1.21, then I guess we have to go with that.



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