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Request for advice on mariadb-10.5 migration schedule


I kindly ask assistance from the Debian release team what to do about
MariaDB 10.5.

I have been working on MariaDB 10.5 packaging since August[1] and I've
had it in unstable since early September[2]. It is currently however
stuck on two migration excuses:

1) Builds on armhf stopped working earlier this month due to compiler
bug #972564, perhaps in cmake or gcc. Upstream gcc has confirmed at
least one issue. There is no schedule on when it will be fixed and
there is nothing to my knowledge that I could reasonably do about

2) autopkgtest for mariadb-10.3/1:10.3.24-2 fail on i386 (and armhf
when it build earlier this month). The test is installing
"mariadb-server" which in unstable pulls in mariadb-10.5. I silenced
this false positive (or indifferent failure of access denied vs
password invalid) for mariadb-10.5 but I cannot upload a new
mariadb-10.3 with autopkgtest fixes anymore.

What is your take on the situation?

Could you override the excuses to make mariadb-10.5 migrate into testing?

I would like to have mariadb-10.5 in bullseye and any remnants of
mariadb-10.3 (and even older) removed from unstable/testing, but this
migration process is now stalled on this, and I am afraid that if I
don't push it, there would not be a safe margin of time to get more
testing feedback and weed out any other potential issues in

In terms of general software/packaging quality, MariaDB 10.5 currently
builds and test suite passes on more platforms[3] than any MariaDB
version ever before has, and my own Salsa-CI pipeline[4] is more
extensive than anything we've had in MariaDB packaging in Debian ever
before. In my opinion the quality is very good and the package
deserves to go into testing despite these two issues.

- Otto

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-10.5/-/commit/c99c692c6400cd1e47af85e4b102a2b67f5c3594
[2] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/mariadb-10.5
[3] https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=mariadb-10.5
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-10.5/-/pipelines/190964

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