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Bug#950151: Fwd: transition: pkg-js-tools

Le 31/01/2020 à 14:18, Paul Gevers a écrit :
> Hi yadd,
> On 29-01-2020 20:23, Xavier wrote:
>>> SELECT distinct package.name FROM package JOIN content ON content.pid = package.id WHERE architecture = 'i386' AND filename LIKE './usr/lib/i686-linux-gnu/%';
>>> dolphin-owncloud
>>> fswatch
>>> libhmsbeagle-dev
>>> likwid
>>> node-iconv
>>> node-modern-syslog
>>> node-node-sass
>>> node-nodedbi
>>> node-re2
>>> node-sqlite3
>>> node-ws
>>> node-zipfile
>>> This looks like very few affected packages and it is strictly providing
>>> an upper bound. The non-node packages are likely just buggy. Unless I am
>>> mistaken, lintian also has a tag for this symptom, but I cannot find it
>>> at the moment.
>>> Helmut
>> Thanks, I can rebuild node* package if you think it's more simple than a
>> transition
> I scheduled the node pages on this list (minus node-node-sass, it
> FTBFS). Do these non-node packages need inspection first?
> Paul


no additional inspection needed I think (already tested with amd64).
I'll survey and fix packages if needed (they have test or
reverse-depends on package which have tests).

Next Node.js 12 transition tests will also help here

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