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Bug#939015: buster-pu: package akonadi/4:18.08.3-5

Fixed version number to make version smaller than the version in sid:

diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/changelog akonadi-18.08.3/debian/changelog
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/changelog	2019-04-29 16:24:10.000000000 +0200
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/changelog	2019-08-30 22:11:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+akonadi (4:18.08.3-7~deb10u1) buster; urgency=medium
+  * Rebuild for buster.
+ -- Sandro Knauß <hefee@debian.org>  Fri, 30 Aug 2019 22:11:22 +0200
+akonadi (4:18.08.3-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  [ Sandro Knauß ]
+  * Add patch to fix: Akonadi components crash on logout. (Closes: #939013)
+  * Add patch to fix: Automatic recovery from Multiple Merge Candidates
+    error (Closes: #939012)
+  * Add patch with files, that are needed for other patches.
+  * Update symbols from buildds for 4:18.08.3
+ -- Sandro Knauß <hefee@debian.org>  Fri, 30 Aug 2019 12:59:47 +0200
+akonadi (4:18.08.3-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  [ Sandro Knauß ]
+  * Fix "Akonadi don't anwser any requests and ends in deadlock" (Closes: #935981)
+    by adding upstream patches.
+    - Akonadi-fix-dangling-transaction-after-itemsync-fail.patch
+    - ItemSync-skip-handling-remote-items-if-local-changes.patch
+ -- Sandro Knauß <hefee@debian.org>  Wed, 28 Aug 2019 19:31:31 +0200
 akonadi (4:18.08.3-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadiagentbase5.symbols akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadiagentbase5.symbols
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadiagentbase5.symbols	2019-02-08 23:19:51.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadiagentbase5.symbols	2019-08-30 12:58:59.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 4:18.07.90 amd64
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 4:18.08.3 alpha amd64 arm64 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 i386 m68k mips64el mipsel ppc64 ppc64el riscv64 s390x x32
 libKF5AkonadiAgentBase.so.5 libkf5akonadiagentbase5 #MINVER#
 * Build-Depends-Package: libkf5akonadi-dev
  _ZN7Akonadi12ResourceBase10cancelTaskERK7QString@Base 4:15.07.90
@@ -197,7 +197,6 @@
  _ZNK7Akonadi9AgentBase8isOnlineEv@Base 4:15.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi9AgentBase8progressEv@Base 4:15.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi9AgentBase9agentNameEv@Base 4:15.07.90
- (optional=templinst)_ZSt4swapIN7Akonadi10CollectionEENSt9enable_ifIXsrSt6__and_IJSt6__not_ISt15__is_tuple_likeIT_EESt21is_move_constructibleIS6_ESt18is_move_assignableIS6_EEE5valueEvE4typeERS6_SG_@Base 4:18.07.90
  _ZTI12QDBusContext@Base 4:15.07.90
  _ZTIN7Akonadi12ResourceBaseE@Base 4:15.07.90
  _ZTIN7Akonadi16PreprocessorBaseE@Base 4:15.07.90
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadicore5abi2.symbols akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadicore5abi2.symbols
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadicore5abi2.symbols	2019-02-13 19:42:05.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadicore5abi2.symbols	2019-08-30 12:58:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 4:18.08.3 alpha amd64 arm64 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 i386 mips mips64el mipsel powerpc ppc64 ppc64el s390x
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 4:18.08.3 alpha amd64 arm64 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 i386 m68k mips mips64el mipsel powerpc ppc64 ppc64el riscv64 s390x x32
 libKF5AkonadiCore.so.5abi2 libkf5akonadicore5abi2 #MINVER#
 * Build-Depends-Package: libkf5akonadi-dev
  ABI_5_2@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
  _ZN7Akonadi10Collection7fromUrlERK4QUrl@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZN7Akonadi10Collection7setNameERK7QString@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZN7Akonadi10Collection8mimeTypeEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (optional=templinst|arch=hurd-i386 i386 m68k)_ZN7Akonadi10Collection9attributeINS_25PersistentSearchAttributeEEEPT_NS0_12CreateOptionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (optional=templinst|arch=!mips !powerpc)_ZN7Akonadi10Collection9attributeINS_22EntityDisplayAttributeEEEPT_NS0_12CreateOptionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
+ (optional=templinst|arch=alpha amd64 arm64 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 i386 m68k mips64el mipsel ppc64 ppc64el riscv64 s390x x32)_ZN7Akonadi10Collection9attributeINS_25PersistentSearchAttributeEEEPT_NS0_12CreateOptionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZN7Akonadi10Collection9setRightsE6QFlagsINS0_5RightEE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZN7Akonadi10CollectionC1ERKS0_@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZN7Akonadi10CollectionC1Ev@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
@@ -1597,7 +1598,7 @@
  _ZN7Akonadi9UnlinkJobD2Ev@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZN9QHashData9hasShrunkEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  (optional=templinst)_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryIxEE5QListIT_EPKcRKS3_@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (optional=templinst|arch=alpha hppa mips64el ppc64 ppc64el s390x)_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryIxEET_PKcRKS1_@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (optional=templinst|arch=alpha hppa mips64el ppc64 ppc64el riscv64 s390x)_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryIxEET_PKcRKS1_@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi10Collection10attributesEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi10Collection10referencedEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi10Collection10shouldListENS0_11ListPurposeE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
@@ -1620,7 +1621,9 @@
  _ZNK7Akonadi10Collection8remoteIdEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi10Collection8resourceEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi10Collection9attributeERK10QByteArray@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (optional=templinst|arch=!mips !powerpc)_ZNK7Akonadi10Collection9attributeINS_22EntityDeletedAttributeEEEPT_v@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
  (optional=templinst)_ZNK7Akonadi10Collection9attributeINS_22EntityDisplayAttributeEEEPT_v@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (optional=templinst|arch=!mips !powerpc)_ZNK7Akonadi10Collection9attributeINS_24CollectionQuotaAttributeEEEPT_v@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
  _ZNK7Akonadi10Collection9isVirtualEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi10CollectioneqERKS0_@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi10CollectionltERKS0_@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
@@ -2055,7 +2058,7 @@
  (optional=templinst)_ZNK7Akonadi4Item11payloadImplINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEENSt9enable_ifIXntsrNS_8Internal12PayloadTraitIT_EE13isPolymorphicESB_E4typeEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi4Item11payloadPathEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi4Item12hasAttributeERK10QByteArray@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (optional=templinst|arch=armel armhf mips mipsel powerpc)_ZNK7Akonadi4Item12hasAttributeINS_22EntityDisplayAttributeEEEbv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (optional=templinst|arch=mips powerpc)_ZNK7Akonadi4Item12hasAttributeINS_22EntityDisplayAttributeEEEbv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi4Item13payloadBaseV2Eii@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi4Item14remoteRevisionEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi4Item16ensureMetaTypeIdEi@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
@@ -2153,8 +2156,8 @@
  _ZNK7Akonadi9ItemModel8rowCountERK11QModelIndex@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi9ItemModel9mimeTypesEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZNK7Akonadi9UnlinkJob10metaObjectEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (optional=templinst|arch=armel)_ZNSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE10_M_releaseEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (optional=templinst|arch=!armel)_ZNSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE10_M_releaseEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (optional=templinst|arch=armel riscv64)_ZNSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE10_M_releaseEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (optional=templinst|arch=!armel !riscv64)_ZNSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE10_M_releaseEv@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  (optional=templinst)_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12_M_constructIPcEEvT_S7_St20forward_iterator_tag@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTIN5boost16exception_detail10clone_baseE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTIN5boost9exceptionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
@@ -2259,11 +2262,11 @@
  _ZTIN7Akonadi9ExceptionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTIN7Akonadi9ItemModelE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTIN7Akonadi9UnlinkJobE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=armel)_ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=armel)_ZTISt11_Mutex_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=!armel)_ZTISt11_Mutex_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=armel)_ZTISt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=!armel)_ZTISt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (arch=armel riscv64)_ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
+ (arch=armel riscv64)_ZTISt11_Mutex_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
+ (arch=!armel !riscv64)_ZTISt11_Mutex_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (arch=armel riscv64)_ZTISt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
+ (arch=!armel !riscv64)_ZTISt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTSN5boost16exception_detail10clone_baseE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTSN5boost9exceptionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTSN7Akonadi10ConnectionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
@@ -2367,11 +2370,11 @@
  _ZTSN7Akonadi9ExceptionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTSN7Akonadi9ItemModelE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTSN7Akonadi9UnlinkJobE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=armel)_ZTSN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=armel)_ZTSSt11_Mutex_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=!armel)_ZTSSt11_Mutex_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=armel)_ZTSSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
- (arch=!armel)_ZTSSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (arch=armel riscv64)_ZTSN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
+ (arch=armel riscv64)_ZTSSt11_Mutex_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
+ (arch=!armel !riscv64)_ZTSSt11_Mutex_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
+ (arch=armel riscv64)_ZTSSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.08.3
+ (arch=!armel !riscv64)_ZTSSt16_Sp_counted_baseILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTVN5boost16exception_detail10clone_baseE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTVN5boost9exceptionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
  _ZTVN7Akonadi10ConnectionE@ABI_5_2 4:18.07.90
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadiwidgets5abi1.symbols akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadiwidgets5abi1.symbols
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadiwidgets5abi1.symbols	2019-02-13 19:42:06.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/libkf5akonadiwidgets5abi1.symbols	2019-08-30 12:58:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 4:18.08.3 alpha amd64 arm64 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 i386 mips mips64el mipsel powerpc ppc64 ppc64el s390x
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 4:18.08.3 alpha amd64 arm64 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 i386 m68k mips mips64el mipsel powerpc ppc64 ppc64el riscv64 s390x x32
 libKF5AkonadiWidgets.so.5abi1 libkf5akonadiwidgets5abi1 #MINVER#
 * Build-Depends-Package: libkf5akonadi-dev
  ABI_5_1@ABI_5_1 4:17.12.1
@@ -403,7 +403,8 @@
  _ZN7Akonadi9TagWidgetD1Ev@ABI_5_1 4:17.12.1
  _ZN7Akonadi9TagWidgetD2Ev@ABI_5_1 4:17.12.1
  (optional=templinst)_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryI5QSizeEET_PKcRKS2_@ABI_5_1 4:17.12.1
- (optional=templinst|arch=!amd64 !arm64)_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryIbEET_PKcRKS1_@ABI_5_1 4:18.08.3
+ (optional=templinst|arch=!amd64 !arm64 !x32)_ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryIbEET_PKcRKS1_@ABI_5_1 4:18.08.3
+ (optional=templinst|arch=!mips !powerpc)_ZNK7Akonadi10Collection9attributeINS_22EntityDisplayAttributeEEEPT_v@ABI_5_1 4:18.08.3
  _ZNK7Akonadi10ControlGui10metaObjectEv@ABI_5_1 4:17.12.1
  _ZNK7Akonadi13TagEditWidget10metaObjectEv@ABI_5_1 4:17.12.1
  _ZNK7Akonadi13TagEditWidget9selectionEv@ABI_5_1 4:17.12.1
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Akonadi-fix-dangling-transaction-after-itemsync-fail.patch akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Akonadi-fix-dangling-transaction-after-itemsync-fail.patch
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Akonadi-fix-dangling-transaction-after-itemsync-fail.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Akonadi-fix-dangling-transaction-after-itemsync-fail.patch	2019-08-28 18:39:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+From ca67354dcc5b4640f26de0b3e46c79cf1e50bc32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Faure <faure@kde.org>
+Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2019 11:10:36 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Akonadi: fix dangling transaction after itemsync failure
+TransactionSequence was emitting result() twice when rolling back.
+* How did this happen?
+The TransactionRollbackJob is (automatically) added as a subjob of the
+TransactionSequence, so when it finishes, slotResult is called (like for
+all subjobs), as well as rollbackResult().
+Since the latter emits result() already [mostly for symmetry with
+commitResult()], we don't need to do that in slotResult (which doesn't do
+it for the case of committing, either).
+* Why is it a problem to emit result() twice?
+Well, first, it's against the law in KJob world. In practice,
+ItemSyncPrivate::slotTransactionResult was called twice (for the same
+TransactionSequence job) which made it decrement mTransactionJobs one
+time too many.
+As a result, checkDone() finished too early and didn't go into the
+"commit transaction" branch for other transactions.
+Leaving a transaction "open" is a good recipe for database deadlocks further
+down the line.
+* Why did the TransactionSequence roll back in the first place?
+In my case because of the infamous and not-yet fixed "Multiple merge
+candidates" problem, but it seems that it can also happen when having
+items without a part, according to Volker's investigations.
+All of these issues still need to be fixed, but at least akonadi seems
+to be still usable after they happen.
+CCBUG: 399167
+Test Plan: Ctrl+L in kmail, with a folder having multiple items for the same RID
+Reviewers: dvratil, vkrause
+Reviewed By: dvratil
+Subscribers: kfunk, kde-pim
+Tags: #kde_pim
+Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D19487
+(cherry picked from commit f1281cf18f40fd69acd61c31b48f5ce43e138eea)
+(cherry picked from commit 8ff596c4fe15199b66262c624d8b7c8d8ec7368f)
+(cherry picked from commit 15c91a0ac93051465b37807efceb6e9fd36cb73b)
+ src/core/jobs/transactionsequence.cpp | 2 --
+ 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/core/jobs/transactionsequence.cpp b/src/core/jobs/transactionsequence.cpp
+index a7b50f075..89b956d5f 100644
+--- a/src/core/jobs/transactionsequence.cpp
++++ b/src/core/jobs/transactionsequence.cpp
+@@ -133,8 +133,6 @@ void TransactionSequence::slotResult(KJob *job)
+                 d->mState = TransactionSequencePrivate::Committing;
+                 TransactionCommitJob *job = new TransactionCommitJob(this);
+                 connect(job, &TransactionCommitJob::result, [d](KJob *job) { d->commitResult(job);});
+-            } else if (d->mState == TransactionSequencePrivate::RollingBack) {
+-                emitResult();
+             }
+         }
+     } else {
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Automatic-recovery-from-Multiple-Merge-Candidates-er.patch akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Automatic-recovery-from-Multiple-Merge-Candidates-er.patch
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Automatic-recovery-from-Multiple-Merge-Candidates-er.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Automatic-recovery-from-Multiple-Merge-Candidates-er.patch	2019-08-30 12:20:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+From 8332cf8a5aa39df6fb665cdbff1a48286d5698f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Daniel=20Vr=C3=A1til?= <dvratil@kde.org>
+Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 13:20:27 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Automatic recovery from Multiple Merge Candidates error
+Introduce a recovery codepath when Multiple Merge Candidates error
+occurs during Item merging. Since clients generally do not use
+merging, this really only happens during ItemSync. In such case we
+quitely delete all the conflicting items from the database and reschedule
+the collection sync. The next sync should then succeed and bring the
+collection into a consistent state.
+Note that this does not fix the Multiple Merge Candidates bug - it can
+still happen (and we still don't know how), but Akonadi should now be
+able to recover from it automatically without user intervention, thus
+making this issue less of a PITA.
+CCBUG: 338658
+Test Plan: Successfuly auto-recovered a broken collection on my setup.
+Reviewers: #kde_pim, dfaure
+Reviewed By: dfaure
+Subscribers: vkrause, dfaure, ngraham, asturmlechner, kde-pim
+Tags: #kde_pim
+Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D21455
+(cherry picked from commit 8f230d7d7f8a4e2b97273585374a68902b5ef6cf)
+ autotests/server/fakedatastore.cpp |  6 +--
+ autotests/server/fakedatastore.h   |  2 +-
+ src/server/handler/akappend.cpp    | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ src/server/handler/akappend.h      |  4 ++
+ src/server/storage/datastore.cpp   | 34 +++++++-------
+ src/server/storage/datastore.h     |  4 +-
+ 6 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/autotests/server/fakedatastore.cpp b/autotests/server/fakedatastore.cpp
+index d384e423c..7f6101b82 100644
+--- a/autotests/server/fakedatastore.cpp
++++ b/autotests/server/fakedatastore.cpp
+@@ -259,11 +259,11 @@ bool FakeDataStore::appendPimItem(QVector<Part> &parts,
+                                     remote_id, remoteRevision, gid, pimItem);
+ }
+-bool FakeDataStore::cleanupPimItems(const PimItem::List &items)
++bool FakeDataStore::cleanupPimItems(const PimItem::List &items, bool silent)
+ {
+     mChanges.insert(QStringLiteral("cleanupPimItems"),
+-                    QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(items));
+-    return DataStore::cleanupPimItems(items);
++                    QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(items) << silent);
++    return DataStore::cleanupPimItems(items, silent);
+ }
+ bool FakeDataStore::unhidePimItem(PimItem &pimItem)
+diff --git a/autotests/server/fakedatastore.h b/autotests/server/fakedatastore.h
+index 01f7714b4..be1b5efcf 100644
+--- a/autotests/server/fakedatastore.h
++++ b/autotests/server/fakedatastore.h
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
+                                const QString &gid,
+                                PimItem &pimItem) override;
+-    virtual bool cleanupPimItems(const PimItem::List &items) override;
++    virtual bool cleanupPimItems(const PimItem::List &items, bool silent = false) override;
+     virtual bool unhidePimItem(PimItem &pimItem) override;
+     virtual bool unhideAllPimItems() override;
+diff --git a/src/server/handler/akappend.cpp b/src/server/handler/akappend.cpp
+index 7c3afef3d..4d47c8171 100644
+--- a/src/server/handler/akappend.cpp
++++ b/src/server/handler/akappend.cpp
+@@ -30,8 +30,12 @@
+ #include "storage/partstreamer.h"
+ #include "storage/parthelper.h"
+ #include "storage/selectquerybuilder.h"
++#include "storage/itemretrievalmanager.h"
+ #include <private/externalpartstorage_p.h>
++#include "shared/akranges.h"
++#include "shared/akscopeguard.h"
+ #include <numeric> //std::accumulate
+ using namespace Akonadi;
+@@ -354,6 +358,61 @@ bool AkAppend::notify(const PimItem &item, const Collection &collection,
+     return true;
+ }
++void AkAppend::recoverFromMultipleMergeCandidates(const PimItem::List &items, const Collection &collection)
++    // HACK HACK HACK: When this happens within ItemSync, we are running inside a client-side
++    // transaction, so just calling commit here won't have any effect, since this handler will
++    // ultimately fail and the client will rollback the transaction. To circumvent this, we
++    // will forcibly commit the transaction, do our changes here within a new transaction and
++    // then we open a new transaction so that the client won't notice.
++    DataStore *db = DataStore::self();
++    int transactionDepth = 0;
++    while (db->inTransaction()) {
++        ++transactionDepth;
++        db->commitTransaction();
++    }
++    const AkScopeGuard restoreTransaction([&]() {
++        for (int i = 0; i < transactionDepth; ++i) {
++            db->beginTransaction(QStringLiteral("RestoredTransactionAfterMMCRecovery"));
++        }
++    });
++    Transaction transaction(db, QStringLiteral("MMC Recovery Transaction"));
++    // If any of the conflicting items is dirty or does not have a remote ID, we don't want to remove
++    // them as it would cause data loss. There's a chance next changeReplay will fix this, so
++    // next time the ItemSync hits this multiple merge candidates, all changes will be committed
++    // and this check will succeed
++    if (items | any([](const auto &item) { return item.dirty() || item.remoteId().isEmpty(); })) {
++        qCWarning(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Automatic multiple merge candidates recovery failed: at least one of the candidates has uncommitted changes!";
++        return;
++    }
++    // This cannot happen with ItemSync, but in theory could happen during individual GID merge.
++    if (items | any([collection](const auto &item) { return item.collectionId() != collection.id(); })) {
++        qCWarning(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Automatic multiple merge candidates recovery failed: all candidates do not belong to the same collection.";
++        return;
++    }
++    db->cleanupPimItems(items, DataStore::Silent);
++    if (!transaction.commit()) {
++        qCWarning(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Automatic multiple merge candidates recovery failed: failed to commit database transaction.";
++        return;
++    }
++    // Schedule a new sync of the collection, one that will succeed
++    const auto resource = collection.resource().name();
++    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(ItemRetrievalManager::instance(), "triggerCollectionSync",
++                              Qt::QueuedConnection,
++                              Q_ARG(QString, resource), Q_ARG(qint64, collection.id()));
++    qCInfo(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Automatic multiple merge candidates recovery successful: conflicting items" << (items | transform([](const auto &i) { return i.id(); }) | toQVector)
++                              << "in collection" << collection.name() << "(ID:" << collection.id() << ") were removed and a new sync was scheduled in the resource"
++                              << resource;
+ bool AkAppend::parseStream()
+ {
+     const auto &cmd = Protocol::cmdCast<Protocol::CreateItemCommand>(m_command);
+@@ -372,7 +431,6 @@ bool AkAppend::parseStream()
+         return false;
+     }
+     if (cmd.mergeModes() == Protocol::CreateItemCommand::None) {
+         if (!insertItem(cmd, item, parentCol)) {
+             return false;
+@@ -436,16 +494,20 @@ bool AkAppend::parseStream()
+             }
+             storageTrx.commit();
+         } else {
+-            qCDebug(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Multiple merge candidates:";
++            qCWarning(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Multiple merge candidates, will attempt to recover:";
+             for (const PimItem &item : result) {
+                 qCDebug(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "\tID:" << item.id() << ", RID:" << item.remoteId()
+                                            << ", GID:" << item.gid()
+                                            << ", Collection:" << item.collection().name() << "(" << item.collectionId() << ")"
+                                            << ", Resource:" << item.collection().resource().name() << "(" << item.collection().resourceId() << ")";
+             }
+-            // Nor GID or RID are guaranteed to be unique, so make sure we don't merge
+-            // something we don't want
+-            return failureResponse(QStringLiteral("Multiple merge candidates, aborting"));
++            transaction.commit(); // commit the current transaction, before we attempt MMC recovery
++            recoverFromMultipleMergeCandidates(result, parentCol);
++            // Even if the recovery was successful, indicate error to force the client to abort the
++            // sync, since we've interfered with the overall state.
++            return failureResponse(QStringLiteral("Multiple merge candidates in collection '%1', aborting").arg(item.collection().name()));
+         }
+     }
+diff --git a/src/server/handler/akappend.h b/src/server/handler/akappend.h
+index 98c9bc206..99de77907 100644
+--- a/src/server/handler/akappend.h
++++ b/src/server/handler/akappend.h
+@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ namespace Akonadi
+ namespace Server
+ {
++class Transaction;
+ /**
+   @ingroup akonadi_server_handler
+@@ -61,6 +63,8 @@ private:
+     bool notify(const PimItem &item, bool seen, const Collection &collection);
+     bool notify(const PimItem &item, const Collection &collection,
+                 const QSet<QByteArray> &changedParts);
++    void recoverFromMultipleMergeCandidates(const PimItem::List &items, const Collection &collection);
+ };
+ } // namespace Server
+diff --git a/src/server/storage/datastore.cpp b/src/server/storage/datastore.cpp
+index f846af5b1..ff1330ee5 100644
+--- a/src/server/storage/datastore.cpp
++++ b/src/server/storage/datastore.cpp
+@@ -1158,29 +1158,31 @@ bool DataStore::unhideAllPimItems()
+     return false;
+ }
+-bool DataStore::cleanupPimItems(const PimItem::List &items)
++bool DataStore::cleanupPimItems(const PimItem::List &items, bool silent)
+ {
+     // generate relation removed notifications
+-    for (const PimItem &item : items) {
+-        SelectQueryBuilder<Relation> relationQuery;
+-        relationQuery.addValueCondition(Relation::leftIdFullColumnName(), Query::Equals, item.id());
+-        relationQuery.addValueCondition(Relation::rightIdFullColumnName(), Query::Equals, item.id());
+-        relationQuery.setSubQueryMode(Query::Or);
++    if (!silent) {
++        for (const PimItem &item : items) {
++            SelectQueryBuilder<Relation> relationQuery;
++            relationQuery.addValueCondition(Relation::leftIdFullColumnName(), Query::Equals, item.id());
++            relationQuery.addValueCondition(Relation::rightIdFullColumnName(), Query::Equals, item.id());
++            relationQuery.setSubQueryMode(Query::Or);
+-        if (!relationQuery.exec()) {
+-            throw HandlerException("Failed to obtain relations");
+-        }
+-        const Relation::List relations = relationQuery.result();
+-        for (const Relation &relation : relations) {
+-            notificationCollector()->relationRemoved(relation);
++            if (!relationQuery.exec()) {
++                throw HandlerException("Failed to obtain relations");
++            }
++            const Relation::List relations = relationQuery.result();
++            for (const Relation &relation : relations) {
++                notificationCollector()->relationRemoved(relation);
++            }
+         }
+-    }
+-    // generate the notification before actually removing the data
+-    notificationCollector()->itemsRemoved(items);
++        // generate the notification before actually removing the data
++        notificationCollector()->itemsRemoved(items);
++    }
+     // FIXME: Create a single query to do this
+-    Q_FOREACH (const PimItem &item, items) {
++    for (const auto &item : items) {
+         if (!item.clearFlags()) {
+             return false;
+         }
+diff --git a/src/server/storage/datastore.h b/src/server/storage/datastore.h
+index 2f6fb36df..1eb934fd7 100644
+--- a/src/server/storage/datastore.h
++++ b/src/server/storage/datastore.h
+@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ class DataStore : public QObject
+ {
+     Q_OBJECT
+ public:
++    const constexpr static bool Silent = true;
+     /**
+       Closes the database connection and destroys the DataStore object.
+     */
+@@ -199,7 +201,7 @@ public:
+     /**
+      * Removes the pim item and all referenced data ( e.g. flags )
+      */
+-    virtual bool cleanupPimItems(const PimItem::List &items);
++    virtual bool cleanupPimItems(const PimItem::List &items, bool silent = false);
+     /**
+      * Unhides the specified PimItem. Emits the itemAdded() notification as
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Backport-missing-files-from-master.patch akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Backport-missing-files-from-master.patch
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Backport-missing-files-from-master.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Backport-missing-files-from-master.patch	2019-08-30 12:26:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+From 80f8e85cee83afd5af5b9694aef0b7fbaffb68a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Sandro=20Knau=C3=9F?= <sknauss@kde.org>
+Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 10:13:59 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Backport missing files from master.
+src/shared/akhelpers.h d6f65c5733f35de3061e9c73c54eb3bf53ffe04b
+src/shared/akranges.h 354139b155cc9295c97fcd7887738fedce1b6837
+src/shared/akscopeguard.h 179bd0e766b314d976951e00a9fc4d4d6a8938a2
+src/shared/aktraits.h f85c06a7b3253882d8a1fba626fde07291df6892
+ src/shared/akhelpers.h    | 119 +++++++++
+ src/shared/akranges.h     | 511 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/shared/akscopeguard.h |  52 ++++
+ src/shared/aktraits.h     | 165 ++++++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 847 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 src/shared/akhelpers.h
+ create mode 100644 src/shared/akranges.h
+ create mode 100644 src/shared/akscopeguard.h
+ create mode 100644 src/shared/aktraits.h
+diff --git a/src/shared/akhelpers.h b/src/shared/akhelpers.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..e1ab2ba29
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/shared/akhelpers.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
++    Copyright (C) 2018 - 2019  Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@kde.org>
++    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++    under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
++    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
++    option) any later version.
++    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
++    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
++    License for more details.
++    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
++    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to the
++    Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
++    02110-1301, USA.
++#include <type_traits>
++#include <utility>
++namespace Akonadi
++namespace detail
++// C++14-compatible implementation of std::invoke(), based on implementation
++// from https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/functional/invoke
++template<typename T>
++struct is_reference_wrapper : std::false_type {};
++template<typename T>
++struct is_reference_wrapper<std::reference_wrapper<T>> : std::true_type {};
++template<typename T>
++constexpr bool is_reference_wrapper_v = is_reference_wrapper<T>::value;
++template<typename T>
++constexpr bool is_member_function_pointer_v = std::is_member_function_pointer<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>::value;
++template<typename T, typename Type, typename T1, typename ... Args>
++auto invoke(Type T::* fun, T1 &&t1, Args && ... args) ->
++    std::enable_if_t<is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(fun)>
++                     && std::is_base_of<T, std::decay_t<T1>>::value,
++                     std::result_of_t<decltype(fun)(T, Args ...)>>
++    return (std::forward<T1>(t1).*fun)(std::forward<Args>(args) ...);
++template<typename T, typename Type, typename T1, typename ... Args>
++auto invoke(Type T::* fun, T1 &&t1, Args && ... args) ->
++    std::enable_if_t<is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(fun)>
++                     && is_reference_wrapper_v<std::decay_t<T1>>,
++                     std::result_of_t<decltype(fun)(T, Args ...)>>
++    return (t1.get().*fun)(std::forward<Args>(args) ...);
++template<typename T, typename Type, typename T1, typename ... Args>
++auto invoke(Type T::* fun, T1 &&t1, Args && ... args) ->
++    std::enable_if_t<is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(fun)>
++                     && !std::is_base_of<T, std::decay_t<T1>>::value
++                     && !is_reference_wrapper_v<std::decay_t<T1>>,
++                     std::result_of_t<decltype(fun)(T1, Args ...)>>
++    return ((*std::forward<T1>(t1)).*fun)(std::forward<Args>(args) ...);
++template<typename T, typename Type, typename T1, typename ... Args>
++auto invoke(Type T::* fun, T1 &&t1, Args && ...) ->
++    std::enable_if_t<!is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(fun)>
++                     && std::is_base_of<T1, std::decay_t<T1>>::value,
++                     std::result_of_t<decltype(fun)(T1, Args ...)>>
++    return std::forward<T1>(t1).*fun;
++template<typename T, typename Type, typename T1, typename ... Args>
++auto invoke(Type T::* fun, T1 &&t1, Args && ...) ->
++    std::enable_if_t<!is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(fun)>
++                     && is_reference_wrapper_v<std::decay_t<T1>>,
++                     std::result_of_t<decltype(fun)(T1, Args ...)>>
++    return t1.get().*fun;
++template<typename T, typename Type, typename T1, typename ... Args>
++auto invoke(Type T::* fun, T1 &&t1, Args && ...) ->
++    std::enable_if_t<!is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(fun)>
++                     && !std::is_base_of<T1, std::decay_t<T1>>::value
++                     && !is_reference_wrapper_v<std::decay_t<T1>>,
++                     std::result_of_t<decltype(fun)(T1, Args ...)>>
++    return (*std::forward<T1>(t1)).*fun;
++template<typename Fun, typename ... Args>
++auto invoke(Fun &&fun, Args && ... args)
++    return std::forward<Fun>(fun)(std::forward<Args>(args) ...);
++} // namespace detail
++template<typename Fun, typename ... Args>
++auto invoke(Fun &&fun, Args && ... args)
++    return detail::invoke(std::forward<Fun>(fun), std::forward<Args>(args) ...);
++static const auto IsNull = [](auto ptr) { return !(bool)ptr; };
++static const auto IsNotNull = [](auto ptr) { return (bool)ptr; };
++} // namespace Akonadi
+diff --git a/src/shared/akranges.h b/src/shared/akranges.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..6ee22f092
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/shared/akranges.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
++    Copyright (C) 2018 - 2019  Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@kde.org>
++    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++    under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
++    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
++    option) any later version.
++    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
++    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
++    License for more details.
++    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
++    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to the
++    Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
++    02110-1301, USA.
++#include "aktraits.h"
++#include "akhelpers.h"
++#include <QVector>
++#include <QSet>
++#include <QMap>
++#include <algorithm>
++#include <functional>
++#include <utility>
++#include <type_traits>
++#include <iterator>
++namespace Akonadi {
++namespace detail {
++template<template<typename> class Cont>
++struct To_
++    template<typename T> using Container = Cont<T>;
++template<template<typename, typename> class Cont>
++struct ToAssoc_
++    template<typename Key, typename Value> using Container = Cont<Key, Value>;
++struct Values_ {};
++struct Keys_ {};
++template<typename RangeLike, typename OutContainer,
++         AK_REQUIRES(AkTraits::isAppendable<OutContainer>)>
++OutContainer copyContainer(const RangeLike &range)
++    OutContainer rv;
++    rv.reserve(range.size());
++    for (auto &&v : range) {
++        rv.push_back(std::move(v));
++    }
++    return rv;
++template<typename RangeLike, typename OutContainer,
++         AK_REQUIRES(AkTraits::isInsertable<OutContainer>)>
++OutContainer copyContainer(const RangeLike &range)
++    OutContainer rv;
++    rv.reserve(range.size());
++    for (const auto &v : range) {
++        rv.insert(v);
++    }
++    return rv;
++template<typename RangeList, typename OutContainer>
++OutContainer copyAssocContainer(const RangeList &range)
++    OutContainer rv;
++    for (const auto &v : range) {
++        rv.insert(v.first, v.second);
++    }
++    return rv;
++template<typename Iterator>
++struct IteratorTrait {
++    using iterator_category = typename Iterator::iterator_category;
++    using value_type = typename Iterator::value_type;
++    using difference_type = typename Iterator::difference_type;
++    using pointer = typename Iterator::pointer;
++    using reference = typename Iterator::reference;
++// Without QT_STRICT_ITERATORS QVector and QList iterators do not satisfy STL
++// iterator concepts since they are nothing more but typedefs to T* - for those
++// we need to provide custom traits.
++template<typename Iterator>
++struct IteratorTrait<Iterator*> {
++    // QTypedArrayData::iterator::iterator_category
++    using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
++    using value_type = Iterator;
++    using difference_type = int;
++    using pointer = Iterator*;
++    using reference = Iterator&;
++template<typename Iterator>
++struct IteratorTrait<const Iterator *> {
++    using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
++    using value_type = Iterator;
++    using difference_type = int;
++    using pointer = const Iterator *;
++    using reference = const Iterator &;
++template<typename IterImpl, typename RangeLike, typename Iterator = typename RangeLike::const_iterator>
++struct IteratorBase
++    using iterator_category = typename IteratorTrait<Iterator>::iterator_category;
++    using value_type = typename IteratorTrait<Iterator>::value_type;
++    using difference_type = typename IteratorTrait<Iterator>::difference_type;
++    using pointer = typename IteratorTrait<Iterator>::pointer;
++    using reference = typename IteratorTrait<Iterator>::reference;
++    IteratorBase(const IteratorBase<IterImpl, RangeLike> &other)
++        : mIter(other.mIter), mRange(other.mRange)
++    {}
++    IterImpl &operator++()
++    {
++        ++static_cast<IterImpl*>(this)->mIter;
++        return *static_cast<IterImpl*>(this);
++    }
++    IterImpl operator++(int)
++    {
++        auto ret = *static_cast<IterImpl*>(this);
++        ++static_cast<IterImpl*>(this)->mIter;
++        return ret;
++    }
++    bool operator==(const IterImpl &other) const
++    {
++        return mIter == other.mIter;
++    }
++    bool operator!=(const IterImpl &other) const
++    {
++        return !(*static_cast<const IterImpl*>(this) == other);
++    }
++    bool operator<(const IterImpl &other) const
++    {
++        return mIter < other.mIter;
++    }
++    auto operator-(const IterImpl &other) const
++    {
++        return mIter - other.mIter;
++    }
++    auto operator*() const
++    {
++        return *mIter;
++    }
++    IteratorBase(const Iterator &iter, const RangeLike &range)
++        : mIter(iter), mRange(range)
++    {}
++    IteratorBase(const Iterator &iter, RangeLike &&range)
++        : mIter(iter), mRange(std::move(range))
++    {}
++    Iterator mIter;
++    RangeLike mRange;
++template<typename RangeLike, typename TransformFn, typename Iterator = typename RangeLike::const_iterator>
++struct TransformIterator : public IteratorBase<TransformIterator<RangeLike, TransformFn>, RangeLike>
++    template<typename ... T>
++    struct ResultOf;
++    template<typename R, typename ... Args>
++    struct ResultOf<R(Args ...)> {
++        using type = R;
++    };
++    template<typename ... Ts>
++    using FuncHelper = decltype(Akonadi::invoke(std::declval<Ts>() ...))(Ts ...);
++    using IteratorValueType = typename ResultOf<FuncHelper<TransformFn, typename IteratorTrait<Iterator>::value_type>>::type;
++    using value_type = IteratorValueType;
++    using pointer = IteratorValueType *;         // FIXME: preserve const-ness
++    using reference = const IteratorValueType &; // FIXME: preserve const-ness
++    TransformIterator(const Iterator &iter, const TransformFn &fn, const RangeLike &range)
++        : IteratorBase<TransformIterator<RangeLike, TransformFn>, RangeLike>(iter, range)
++        , mFn(fn)
++    {
++    }
++    auto operator*() const
++    {
++        return Akonadi::invoke(mFn, *this->mIter);
++    }
++    TransformFn mFn;
++template<typename RangeLike, typename Predicate, typename Iterator = typename RangeLike::const_iterator>
++class FilterIterator : public IteratorBase<FilterIterator<RangeLike, Predicate>, RangeLike>
++    FilterIterator(const Iterator &iter, const Iterator &end, const Predicate &predicate, const RangeLike &range)
++        : IteratorBase<FilterIterator<RangeLike, Predicate>, RangeLike>(iter, range)
++        , mPredicate(predicate), mEnd(end)
++    {
++        while (this->mIter != mEnd && !Akonadi::invoke(mPredicate, *this->mIter)) {
++            ++this->mIter;
++        }
++    }
++    auto &operator++()
++    {
++        if (this->mIter != mEnd) {
++            do {
++                ++this->mIter;
++            } while (this->mIter != mEnd && !Akonadi::invoke(mPredicate, *this->mIter));
++        }
++        return *this;
++    }
++    auto operator++(int)
++    {
++        auto it = *this;
++        ++(*this);
++        return it;
++    }
++    Predicate mPredicate;
++    Iterator mEnd;
++template<typename Container, int Pos, typename Iterator = typename Container::const_key_value_iterator>
++class AssociativeContainerIterator
++    : public IteratorBase<AssociativeContainerIterator<Container, Pos>, Container, Iterator>
++    using value_type = std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<
++                            typename std::tuple_element<Pos, typename Iterator::value_type>::type>>;
++    using pointer = std::add_pointer_t<value_type>;
++    using reference = std::add_lvalue_reference_t<value_type>;
++    AssociativeContainerIterator(const Iterator &iter, const Container &container)
++        : IteratorBase<AssociativeContainerIterator<Container, Pos>, Container, Iterator>(iter, container)
++    {}
++    auto operator*() const
++    {
++        return std::get<Pos>(*this->mIter);
++    }
++template<typename Container>
++using AssociativeContainerKeyIterator = AssociativeContainerIterator<Container, 0>;
++template<typename Container>
++using AssociativeContainerValueIterator = AssociativeContainerIterator<Container, 1>;
++template<typename Iterator>
++struct Range
++    using iterator = Iterator;
++    using const_iterator = Iterator;
++    using value_type = typename detail::IteratorTrait<Iterator>::value_type;
++    Range(Iterator &&begin, Iterator &&end)
++        : mBegin(std::move(begin))
++        , mEnd(std::move(end))
++    {}
++    Iterator begin() const
++    {
++        return mBegin;
++    }
++    Iterator cbegin() const
++    {
++        return mBegin;
++    }
++    Iterator end() const
++    {
++        return mEnd;
++    }
++    Iterator cend() const
++    {
++        return mEnd;
++    }
++    auto size() const
++    {
++        return std::distance(mBegin, mEnd);
++    }
++    Iterator mBegin;
++    Iterator mEnd;
++template<typename T>
++using IsRange = typename std::is_same<T, Range<typename T::iterator>>;
++template<typename TransformFn>
++struct Transform_
++    TransformFn mFn;
++template<typename PredicateFn>
++struct Filter_
++    PredicateFn mFn;
++template<typename EachFun>
++struct ForEach_
++    EachFun mFn;
++template<typename Predicate>
++struct All_
++    Predicate mFn;
++template<typename Predicate>
++struct Any_
++    Predicate mFn;
++} // namespace detail
++} // namespace Akonadi
++// Generic operator| for To_<> convertor
++template<typename RangeLike, template<typename> class OutContainer, typename T = typename RangeLike::value_type>
++auto operator|(const RangeLike &range, const Akonadi::detail::To_<OutContainer> &) -> OutContainer<T>
++    using namespace Akonadi::detail;
++    return copyContainer<RangeLike, OutContainer<T>>(range);
++// Specialization for case when InContainer and OutContainer are identical
++// Create a copy, but for Qt container this is very cheap due to implicit sharing.
++template<template<typename> class InContainer, typename T>
++auto operator|(const InContainer<T> &in, const Akonadi::detail::To_<InContainer> &) -> InContainer<T>
++    return in;
++// Generic operator| for ToAssoc_<> convertor
++template<typename RangeLike, template<typename, typename> class OutContainer,
++         typename T = typename RangeLike::value_type>
++auto operator|(const RangeLike &range, const Akonadi::detail::ToAssoc_<OutContainer> &) ->
++    OutContainer<typename T::first_type, typename T::second_type>
++    using namespace Akonadi::detail;
++    return copyAssocContainer<RangeLike, OutContainer<typename T::first_type, typename T::second_type>>(range);
++// Generic operator| for transform()
++template<typename RangeLike, typename TransformFn>
++auto operator|(const RangeLike &range, const Akonadi::detail::Transform_<TransformFn> &t)
++    using namespace Akonadi::detail;
++    using OutIt = TransformIterator<RangeLike, TransformFn>;
++    return Range<OutIt>(OutIt(std::cbegin(range), t.mFn, range), OutIt(std::cend(range), t.mFn, range));
++// Generic operator| for filter()
++template<typename RangeLike, typename PredicateFn>
++auto operator|(const RangeLike &range, const Akonadi::detail::Filter_<PredicateFn> &p)
++    using namespace Akonadi::detail;
++    using OutIt = FilterIterator<RangeLike, PredicateFn>;
++    return Range<OutIt>(OutIt(std::cbegin(range), std::cend(range), p.mFn, range),
++                        OutIt(std::cend(range), std::cend(range), p.mFn, range));
++// Generic operator| fo foreach()
++template<typename RangeLike, typename EachFun>
++auto operator|(const RangeLike&range, Akonadi::detail::ForEach_<EachFun> fun)
++    std::for_each(std::cbegin(range), std::cend(range),
++                  [&fun](const auto &val) {
++                      Akonadi::invoke(fun.mFn, val);
++                  });
++    return range;
++// Generic operator| for all
++template<typename RangeLike, typename PredicateFn>
++auto operator|(const RangeLike &range, Akonadi::detail::All_<PredicateFn> fun)
++    return std::all_of(std::cbegin(range), std::cend(range), fun.mFn);
++// Generic operator| for any
++template<typename RangeLike, typename PredicateFn>
++auto operator|(const RangeLike &range, Akonadi::detail::Any_<PredicateFn> fun)
++    return std::any_of(std::cbegin(range), std::cend(range), fun.mFn);
++// Generic operator| for keys
++template<typename Container>
++auto operator|(const Container &in, Akonadi::detail::Keys_)
++    using namespace Akonadi::detail;
++    using OutIt = AssociativeContainerKeyIterator<Container>;
++    return Range<OutIt>(OutIt(in.constKeyValueBegin(), in), OutIt(in.constKeyValueEnd(), in));
++// Generic operator| for values
++template<typename Container>
++auto operator|(const Container &in, Akonadi::detail::Values_)
++    using namespace Akonadi::detail;
++    using OutIt = AssociativeContainerValueIterator<Container>;
++    return Range<OutIt>(OutIt(in.constKeyValueBegin(), in), OutIt(in.constKeyValueEnd(), in));
++namespace Akonadi {
++/// Non-lazily convert given range or container to QVector
++static constexpr auto toQVector = detail::To_<QVector>{};
++/// Non-lazily convert given range or container to QSet
++static constexpr auto toQSet = detail::To_<QSet>{};
++/// Non-lazily convert given range or container to QList
++static constexpr auto toQList = detail::To_<QList>{};
++/// Non-lazily convert given range or container of pairs to QMap
++static constexpr auto toQMap = detail::ToAssoc_<QMap>{};
++/// Lazily extract values from an associative container
++static constexpr auto values = detail::Values_{};
++/// Lazily extract keys from an associative container
++static constexpr auto keys = detail::Keys_{};
++/// Lazily transform each element of a range or container using given transformation
++template<typename TransformFn>
++detail::Transform_<TransformFn> transform(TransformFn &&fn)
++    return detail::Transform_<TransformFn>{std::forward<TransformFn>(fn)};
++/// Lazily filters a range or container by applying given predicate on each element
++template<typename PredicateFn>
++detail::Filter_<PredicateFn> filter(PredicateFn &&fn)
++    return detail::Filter_<PredicateFn>{std::forward<PredicateFn>(fn)};
++/// Non-lazily call EachFun for each element of the container or range
++template<typename EachFun>
++detail::ForEach_<EachFun> forEach(EachFun &&fn)
++    return detail::ForEach_<EachFun>{std::forward<EachFun>(fn)};
++/// Create a range, a view on a container from the given pair fo iterators
++template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2,
++         typename It = std::remove_reference_t<Iterator1>
++        >
++detail::Range<It> range(Iterator1 begin, Iterator2 end)
++    return detail::Range<It>(std::move(begin), std::move(end));
++/// Non-lazily check that all elements in the range satisfy given predicate
++template<typename Predicate>
++detail::All_<Predicate> all(Predicate &&fn)
++    return detail::All_<Predicate>{std::forward<Predicate>(fn)};
++/// Non-lazily check that at least one element in range satisfies the given predicate
++template<typename Predicate>
++detail::Any_<Predicate> any(Predicate &&fn)
++    return detail::Any_<Predicate>{std::forward<Predicate>(fn)};
++} // namespace Akonadi
+diff --git a/src/shared/akscopeguard.h b/src/shared/akscopeguard.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..e371383ee
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/shared/akscopeguard.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
++    Copyright (C) 2019  Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@kde.org>
++    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++    under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
++    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
++    option) any later version.
++    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
++    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
++    License for more details.
++    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
++    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to the
++    Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
++    02110-1301, USA.
++#include <functional>
++#include <type_traits>
++namespace Akonadi {
++class AkScopeGuard
++   template<typename U>
++    AkScopeGuard(U &&fun)
++        : mFun(std::move(fun))
++    {}
++    AkScopeGuard(const AkScopeGuard &) = delete;
++    AkScopeGuard(AkScopeGuard &&) = default;
++    AkScopeGuard &operator=(const AkScopeGuard &) = delete;
++    AkScopeGuard &operator=(AkScopeGuard &&) = delete;
++    ~AkScopeGuard()
++    {
++        mFun();
++    }
++    std::function<void()> mFun;
++} // namespace Akonadi
+diff --git a/src/shared/aktraits.h b/src/shared/aktraits.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..67cd60c40
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/shared/aktraits.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
++    Copyright (C) 2019  Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@kde.org>
++    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++    under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
++    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
++    option) any later version.
++    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
++    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
++    License for more details.
++    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
++    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to the
++    Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
++    02110-1301, USA.
++#include <type_traits>
++#include <utility>
++namespace Akonadi {
++namespace AkTraits {
++namespace detail {
++    /// Helpers from C++17
++    template<typename ...>
++    using void_t = void;
++    template<typename ...>
++    struct conjunction : std::true_type {};
++    template<typename T>
++    struct conjunction<T> : T {};
++    template<typename T, typename ... Ts>
++    struct conjunction<T, Ts...> : std::conditional_t<bool(T::value), conjunction<Ts...>, T> {};
++    #define DECLARE_HAS_MEBER_TYPE(type_name) \
++        template<typename T, typename U = void_t<>> \
++        struct hasMember_##type_name { \
++            static constexpr bool value = false; \
++        }; \
++        \
++        template<typename T> \
++        struct hasMember_##type_name<T, void_t<typename T:: type_name>> : std::true_type {};
++    DECLARE_HAS_MEBER_TYPE(value_type)
++    /// TODO: Use Boost TTI instead?
++    #define DECLARE_HAS_METHOD_GENERIC_IMPL(name, fun, sign)        \
++        template<typename T, typename F = sign>                     \
++        struct hasMethod_##name {                                   \
++        public:                                                     \
++            template<typename UType, UType>                         \
++            struct helperClass;                                     \
++                                                                    \
++            using True = char;                                      \
++            using False = struct { char dummy_[2]; };               \
++                                                                    \
++            template<typename U>                                    \
++            static True helper(helperClass<F, &U::fun>*);\
++            template<typename>                                      \
++            static False helper(...);                  \
++        public:                                                     \
++            static constexpr bool value = sizeof(helper<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(True); \
++        };
++    #define DECLARE_HAS_METHOD_GENERIC_CONST(fun, R, ...)           \
++        DECLARE_HAS_METHOD_GENERIC_IMPL(fun##_const, fun, R(T::*)(__VA_ARGS__) const)
++    #define DECLARE_HAS_METHOD_GENERIC(fun, R, ...)                 \
++        DECLARE_HAS_METHOD_GENERIC_IMPL(fun, fun, R(T::*)(__VA_ARGS__))
++    DECLARE_HAS_METHOD_GENERIC(push_back, void, const typename T::value_type &)
++    DECLARE_HAS_METHOD_GENERIC(insert, typename T::iterator, const typename T::value_type &)
++    DECLARE_HAS_METHOD_GENERIC(reserve, void, int)
++    #define DECLARE_HAS_FUNCTION(name, fun) \
++        template<typename T>                                        \
++        struct has_##name {                                         \
++            template<typename U>                                    \
++            struct helperClass;                                     \
++                                                                    \
++            using True = char;                                      \
++            using False = struct { char dummy_[2]; };               \
++                                                                    \
++            template<typename U>                                    \
++            static True helper(helperClass<decltype(fun(std::declval<T>()))>*); \
++            template<typename>                                      \
++            static False helper(...);                               \
++        public:                                                     \
++            static constexpr bool value = sizeof(helper<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(True); \
++        };
++    // For some obscure reason QVector::begin() actually has a default
++    // argument, but QList::begin() does not, thus a regular hasMethod_* check
++    // won't cut it here. Instead we check whether the container object can be
++    // used with std::begin() and std::end() helpers.
++    // Check for constness can be performed by passing "const T" to the type.
++    DECLARE_HAS_FUNCTION(begin, std::begin)
++    DECLARE_HAS_FUNCTION(end, std::end)
++    /// This is a very incomplete set of Container named requirement, but I'm
++    /// too lazy to implement all of them, but this should be good enough to match
++    /// regular Qt containers and /not/ match arbitrary non-container types
++    template<typename T>
++    struct isContainer : conjunction<
++        std::is_constructible<T>,
++        hasMember_value_type<T>,
++        has_begin<T>,
++        has_begin<const T>,
++        has_end<T>,
++        has_end<const T>,
++        hasMethod_size_const<T>
++    > {};
++    /// Matches anything that is a container and has push_back() method.
++    template<typename T>
++    struct isAppendable : conjunction<
++        isContainer<T>,
++        hasMethod_push_back<T>
++    > {};
++    /// Matches anything that is a container and has insert() method.
++    template<typename T>
++    struct isInsertable : conjunction<
++        isContainer<T>,
++        hasMethod_insert<T>
++    > {};
++    /// Matches anything that is a container and has reserve() method.
++    template<typename T>
++    struct isReservable : conjunction<
++        isContainer<T>,
++        hasMethod_reserve<T>
++    > {};
++template<typename T>
++constexpr bool isAppendable = detail::isAppendable<T>::value;
++template<typename T>
++constexpr bool isInsertable = detail::isInsertable<T>::value;
++template<typename T>
++constexpr bool isReservable = detail::isReservable<T>::value;
++#define AK_PP_CAT_(X, Y) X ## Y
++#define AK_PP_CAT(X, Y) AK_PP_CAT_(X, Y)
++#define AK_REQUIRES(...) \
++    bool AK_PP_CAT(_ak_requires_, __LINE__) = false, \
++    std::enable_if_t< \
++        AK_PP_CAT(_ak_requires_, __LINE__) || (__VA_ARGS__) \
++    >* = nullptr
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Fix-unhandled-exception-from-DataStream-operator.patch akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Fix-unhandled-exception-from-DataStream-operator.patch
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Fix-unhandled-exception-from-DataStream-operator.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/Fix-unhandled-exception-from-DataStream-operator.patch	2019-08-29 20:58:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 40a43c8860ebfad49b06b8db75ac4f7431d19e49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Filipe Azevedo <pasnox@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 22:11:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Fix unhandled exception from DataStream::operator<<
+Summary: Depends on D19982
+Reviewers: dvratil
+Reviewed By: dvratil
+Subscribers: cfeck, kde-pim
+Tags: #kde_pim
+Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D19983
+(cherry picked from commit 06f1a32b5a5aa3f5a5dcf842e8de1358480fede5)
+ src/core/connection.cpp | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/core/connection.cpp b/src/core/connection.cpp
+index 7eeed3f83..df51240df 100644
+--- a/src/core/connection.cpp
++++ b/src/core/connection.cpp
+@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ void Connection::doSendCommand(qint64 tag, const Protocol::CommandPtr &cmd)
+     if (mSocket && mSocket->isOpen()) {
+         Protocol::DataStream stream(mSocket.data());
+-        stream << tag;
+         try {
++            stream << tag;
+             Protocol::serialize(mSocket.data(), cmd);
+         } catch (const Akonadi::ProtocolException &e) {
+             qCWarning(AKONADICORE_LOG) << "Protocol Exception:" << QString::fromUtf8(e.what());
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/ItemSync-skip-handling-remote-items-if-local-changes.patch akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/ItemSync-skip-handling-remote-items-if-local-changes.patch
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/ItemSync-skip-handling-remote-items-if-local-changes.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/ItemSync-skip-handling-remote-items-if-local-changes.patch	2019-08-28 18:40:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+From 46d5d3fe22f80b0452c0dffe02a48ca30a840697 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Faure <faure@kde.org>
+Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2019 14:07:00 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] ItemSync: skip handling remote items if local changes
+ failed
+The infamous "Multiple merge candidates" error would still leave ItemSync
+in a forever-stuck state when mRemoteItemsQueue was not empty.
+Reproduced by adding a unittest that calls setFullSyncItems (with
+a duplicate item), while the existing unittest for a duplicate item
+was callling setIncrementalSyncItems().
+Test Plan: Unittest passes.
+Reviewers: dvratil, vkrause
+Reviewed By: dvratil
+Subscribers: asn, kde-pim
+Tags: #kde_pim
+Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D20243
+(cherry picked from commit 257598195d09b1022ebf08cd58245cd3493f5a2e)
+(cherry picked from commit 4fb179ce46ad3e7da8b25c921b0c8a68f9dfb4ee)
+ src/core/itemsync.cpp | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/src/core/itemsync.cpp b/src/core/itemsync.cpp
+index d01db1a80..538f87574 100644
+--- a/src/core/itemsync.cpp
++++ b/src/core/itemsync.cpp
+@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ void ItemSyncPrivate::slotLocalChangeDone(KJob *job)
+ {
+     if (job->error()) {
+         qCWarning(AKONADICORE_LOG) << "Creating/updating items from the akonadi database failed:" << job->errorString();
++        mRemoteItemQueue.clear(); // don't try to process any more items after a rollback
+     }
+     mPendingJobs--;
+     mProgress++;
diff -Nru akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/series akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/series
--- akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/series	2019-02-08 23:19:51.000000000 +0100
+++ akonadi-18.08.3/debian/patches/series	2019-08-30 12:26:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -2,3 +2,8 @@

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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