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Bug#944351: Providing minor version somewhere in /etc/os-release in buster

tags 944351 - moreinfo

Note: I have finally the ok from both lsb-release and ansible people.

To answer the question: Yes, the change would be limited to VERSION_ID only.

That would be enough for the minor version to be shown by
"lsb_release -r" or "lsb_release -a", and also enough for ansible
people to implement {{ ansible_distribution_minor_version }}
without having to use ugly hacks.

So, to summarize: I believe putting minor version in VERSION_ID would
be useful, and I also think that we could do this in buster as far as
we do it "soon" in the stable cycle, i.e 10.x where x is still small
(for example, 10.3).

I am of course aware that some setups might break because of this but
on the other side we can reasonably hope that whatever breakage
(in hand-made scripts, for example) should be easy to fix.

(In fact, this change in base-files would fix a not-yet-fixed breakage
in lsb-release).

On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 01:14:12PM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 01:24:42PM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > Ok, I have just uploaded base-files as usual, but if possible I'd like
> > this to be sorted-out for 10.3 (in particular, I still would like to
> > hear from the ansible maintainers).
> I wondering if change should have wider exposure. I suspect not only
> ansible users will be affected. I'd say this warrants a mail to d-d-a or
> at least -devel.

Hmm, what kind of exposure do you have in mind and for what purpose?

(I can think of two different purposes, not all of them desirable,
but would like to know yours first :-)


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