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Bug#941078: transition: postgresql-12

Re: Paul Gevers 2019-10-13 <[🔎] f358cae5-997c-3f0d-c511-877dd7eda374@debian.org>
> The migration is currently blocked on the regression of repmgr. I just
> triggered a reference run as I think the postgresql-11 migration in the
> perl transition will have caused the current state in testing to be bad
> already. If that's not the case, and it's really postgresql-12 related,
> how do you propose we treat the situation?

Fwiw, I believe the situation is as follows: libpq5 didn't break ABI,
so the existing postgresql-11-repmgr packages are fine, both in
testing and in unstable.

What did change however is that some API juggling happened, which
means repmgr needs to be updated to cope with mixed PostgreSQL
versions in postgresql-server-dev-11 and libpq-dev 12.

Unfortunately repmgr's autopkgtest is marked "build-needed" so we get
to see the API problem, while there's no actual problem with the
binaries. I've pushed a change to git to fix that.


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