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Bug#930812: unblock: cargo/0.35.0-2

Hi Ximin,

On 22-06-2019 11:57, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Paul Gevers:
>> On 21-06-2019 07:38, Ximin Luo wrote:
>>> rustc 1.34.2 was unblocked in bug #930661 but the bug requestor forgot to file
>>> the corresponding unblock request for cargo version 0.35.0-1. This is the
>>> recommended version of cargo that goes with that rust version.
>> How strong is this recommendation? It is too late in the freeze to take
>> new upstream releases that aren't targeted fixes for important or higher
>> bugs.
> Strong in that upstream does not officially support any other
> combination and doesn't even talk about it as being possible. It's
> only a quirk of the Debian packaging situation that sometimes the
> versions are mismatched in unstable, because we de-synchronise rustc
> vs cargo releases. Upstream always releases them in sync. I don't
> think we should desync them for a stable release.
And is the security team aware of this (in CC)? We are doing this to
support Firefox security builds.


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