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Bug#930727: unblock: gatb-core/1.4.1+git20181225.44d5a44+dfsg-3

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 10:22:28AM +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:
> On 19-06-2019 13:40, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > - _ZNSt6vectorISt5tupleIJjN4gatb4core5tools4math8LargeIntILi2EEEjjjEESaIS7_EE12emplace_backIJS7_EEEvDpOT_@Base 1.4.1+git20181225.44d5a44+dfsg
> [...]
> > - _ZNSt6vectorIbSaIbEE13_M_initializeEm@Base 1.4.1+git20181225.44d5a44+dfsg
> These look like c++ injected symbols, and I know they can sometimes be
> safely removed (but that is all I know about it). Can you explain what
> you did to check that this is the right action here?

I did a rebuild which showed the same diff and thus applied.  I did
nothing else.  The only other fix I could provide would be to simply
remove the symbols file which is simply a maintenance burden in this
case.  It was discussed several times that C++ symbols can be a moving
target so I was always tempted to spare it for this extremely low popcon
library which is only used by two dependencies.  Its also for a reason
that it exists only for amd64 since maintaining it for other
architectures is just a waste of time.

I used the symbols file to realise if upstream has changed the ABI -
which they are doing most of the time thus I need to check anyway.

If you are unsure whether the current upload is the correct solution
please let me know and I'll remove the symbols file.

Kind regards



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