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Bug#919395: mysql_time.h

Hi Otto,

> execpt of mysql.h Connector/C shouldn't provide any other include files prefixed with "mysql".
> find -name "mysql_time.h" in source tree doesn't return positive result.

So does this mean that Connector/C is not supposed to be a drop-in
replacement for libmariadbclient18 et al?

Why? The only file you need to include in your client application is mysql.h (if you want to provide a client plugin also mysql/client_plugin.h) - mysql_time.h from server package is an internal include file, used by client and server. It is included in mysql.h. In Connector/C the MYSQL_TIME struct (and time related enumerations) is defined inside mysql.h.

When building the sources of mariadb-10.3 some of these auxillary
files are still built, but libmariadbclient.so.18 is not itself built
anymore, so shouldn't it still be possible to offer backwards
compatibility? How do you suggest this is resolved?

Maybe Serg might answer?!


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