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Re: [britney]: Do you use --control-files or the "legacy package layout" in your derivative?

Hey Niels,

Thanks for the mail!

On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 07:13:00PM +0000, Niels Thykier wrote:
> Otherwise, check your britney configuration.  If the path set for the
> "TESTING" configuration points to a standard APT mirror (with a Release
> file) you are unaffected by this mail.  If it instead points to a file
> directory with some "Packages_X" files and a "Sources" file, you are
> using what I refer to as the "legacy package layout".

In Ubuntu we use a legacy layout. Our b1 has a mode to assemble Packages
files for us:


In short:

  - Concatenate main/universe/multiverse/restricted together. We have a
    b2 modification¹ to enforce some additional restrictions on these
    archive components, but at 'main' britney time we treat these the
    same. Actually the b2 config doesn't mention these components at
  - ${SERIES}-proposed is a partial suite on top of ${SERIES}, so we
    concatenate the Packages files together. (Same for ${SERIES}-updates
    for the stable releases.)

Do you know if the Release file handling that b2 currently has would
work for us?

> Request for info about your britney sources/configs/setups:
> -------------------------------------------------
> We would very much like an updated list of links to your britney sources
> (e.g. forks/clones), configurations and setups.  Our aim is to get a
> better understanding of what is out there and how you use britney. If
> you use britney to process data generated by other tools than the ones
> in use by Debian (like dak), it might be good to mention that as well.
> Please send this info to debian-release@lists.debian.org.

b1: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/britney1-ubuntu
b2: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu

This template config is more or less up to date, but we have production
ones that are copies of this - sometimes the arches change between
releases, for example:


As you know, we badly need to rebase on a non-ancient britney. I got a
few commits rebased some time last year, but every single one was
conflicting so I eventually gave up. I'll try to find time to go again,
but this time I'll rebase *our* stuff on top of our fork point first to
reduce down to the minimal number of commits (and submit to you whatever
can be), which will make fewer commits to rebase but with bigger


Iain Lane                                  [ iain@orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney@debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney@ubuntu.com ]

¹ https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/commit/britney2?id=d2cde7de2bd297cde06bcebfff5516271a3dc929
  - This could probably be a policy instead?

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