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Bug#907199: weboob, Gratuitous sexual references

Ian Jackson:
> Ian Jackson writes ("weboob, Gratuitous sexual references"):
>> Dear Release Team, would you please decide whether
>>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=906119
>> is, in your opinion, RC ?
> Hi.  Are you still thinking about this, please ?  How long should I
> wait for a reply ?
> Thanks,
> Ian.

Hi Ian,

I think the Release Team is the wrong authority for this enquiry.

As I understand it, you feel that weboob (in its current condition) is
in conflict with Debian's values (e.g. the CoC or the diversity
statement).  The reason why I suspect the release team is the wrong
authority is that other packages violating Debian's values (namely the
DFSG) are not shipped in Debian *at all* (i.e. it is not in "main"
regardless of suite).

However, the release team do not have the authority decide what is in
unstable/experimental, so we cannot make decide to remove weboob from
Debian main.

Secondly, even if we *could* make the decision for weboob (or the scope
of our powers are sufficient for you in this case), I think the project
is much better served having a separate authority on whether something
is in line with the CoC/Diversity statement.
  The delegation of the release team is currently (and rightfully)
limited to bugs, packages and suites (etc.).  In other words, we are not
authorized to make decisions on similar issues on non-package related
issues (or even package related issues in sid/experimental except as a
means to keep them *out* of testing).


Note: Personally, I would very much prefer that upstream accepted
https://git.weboob.org/weboob/devel/issues/154 and removed the remaining
insults (if any), so we could put all of this behind us.

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