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Re: RFR/ITM: Britney - rewrite logging

Adam D. Barratt:
> On Sat, 2018-03-24 at 09:57 +0000, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> I have written a branch that replaces most of our ad-hoc log
>> framework
>> with the standard python3 logging framework.  The branch is available
>> from:
>> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/nthykier/britney.git/log/?h=rew
>> rite-logging
> One comment I would make, having recently added logging to
> debrelease.*, is that the preferred style for supplying data for log
> entries is the printf / varargs style, rather than the traditional
> Python version - i.e.:
> logger.info("Something %s; something else %s", foo, bar)
> rather than
> logger.info("Something %s; something else %s" % (foo, bar))
> Adam

Indeed.  I agree and had considered it but wanted to punt it until the
change set was reviewed as it was a potentially a lot of menial work (I
did not mention that in my opening mail, apologies).

It sounds like there is no concerns with the actual rewrite itself, so I
will merge it into master later this week (probably tomorrow) and then
look at rewriting the parameter handling for the logging after that (or
as a part of that).


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