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Bug#879599: stretch-pu: package charmtimetracker/1.11.4-1

Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Mon, 2017-10-23 at 11:36 +0200, Sandro Knauß wrote:
> charmtimetracker is currently not installable in stable (#873918),
> this
> pu fixes this. Additionally I also fixed #873917, to have a better
> wording in the short discription. I made sure, that it still builds
> for stable on amd64.

You also introduced a new issue in the short description:

-Description: Cross-Platform Time Tracker
+Description: a task based Time Tracker

The convention is that the description can finish the sentence
"$package (is a|contains)".

I note that #873917 isn't fixed in unstable currently. I realise it's a
trivial change, but we should still ensure that such things are fixed
in unstable, so as not to regress between releases.



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