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Bug#863725: unblock: autodep8/0.9

Control: tag -1 moreinfo


On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 11:01:40AM -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> This release adds support for Go packages, but otherwise contains no
> changes to the existing functionality. I know this is not exactly the
> kind of thing we want during the freeze, but autodep8 is part of the CI
> infrastructure, and it will be really useful to have this version in
> stretch (as well as in jessie-backports).

I'm quite reluctant this late in the process (a couple of weeks ago I
wouldn't have minded so much). Is this not a good candidate for
stretch-backports when it opens?


Jonathan Wiltshire                                      jmw@debian.org
Debian Developer                         http://people.debian.org/~jmw

4096R: 0xD3524C51 / 0A55 B7C5 1223 3942 86EC  74C3 5394 479D D352 4C51

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