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Status of FTBFS on stretch/i386 (Was: Status of FTBFS on stretch/amd64)

On 19/04/17 at 09:08 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> I'll follow-up later with results about stretch/i386.

The situation there looks much worse.


Logs for failed builds are available from
http://aws-logs.debian.net/2017/04/18/ (mixed with amd64, see filenames)

Among those, there are some packages that are Architecture: any, but
don't currently have i386 binaries in stretch. Those that are still RC
should probably be downgraded, but I'll let the release team decide.
They are:

    source     |   architecture   |   id   | severity  |                                                                   title
 bcftools      | any              | 860682 | serious   | bcftools: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 blasr         | any              | 860655 | serious   | blasr: FTBFS on i386: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libpbseq-dev (>= 0~20160912), libpbbam-dev
 clapack       | any              | 835040 | important | clapack: FTBFS on any-i386: Numerous tests timeout
 crac          | any              | 860690 | serious   | crac: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: libjellyfish-2.0-dev
 fitgcp        | any              | 860653 | serious   | fitgcp: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: python-pysam
 fsm-lite      | any              | 860661 | serious   | fsm-lite: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: libsdsl-dev
 iva           | any              | 860640 | serious   | iva: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: python3-pysam
 libvcflib     | any              | 860665 | serious   | libvcflib: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: libssw-dev
 pbbarcode     | any              | 860631 | serious   | pbbarcode: FTBFS on i386: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: python-pbcore, pbh5tools
 pbdagcon      | any              | 860711 | serious   | pbdagcon: FTBFS on i386: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libpbseq-dev, libpbbam-dev
 rapmap        | any              | 860688 | serious   | rapmap: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: libjellyfish-2.0-dev
 salmon        | any              | 860681 | serious   | salmon: FTBFS on i386: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libjellyfish-2.0-dev (> 2.2.3-2), libbwa-dev
 sga           | any              | 860643 | serious   | sga: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: python-pysam
 snap-aligner  | any              | 860652 | serious   | snap-aligner: FTBFS on i386: SNAPLib/SortedDataWriter.cpp:338:70: error: no matching function for call to 'max(long unsigned int, _int64)'
 spades        | any              | 860677 | serious   | spades: FTBFS on i386: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libssw-dev, bwa
 bagel         | any all          | 811449 | important | bagel: FTBFS: size_t is assumed to be the same size as long long
 deal.ii       | any all          | 860697 | serious   | deal.ii: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: trilinos-all-dev
 htseq         | any all          | 860674 | serious   | htseq: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: python-pysam
 kineticstools | any all          | 860636 | serious   | kineticstools: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: python-pbcore (>= 1.2.8)
 pbh5tools     | any all          | 860616 | serious   | pbh5tools: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: python-pbcore
 pbseqlib      | any all          | 860671 | serious   | pbseqlib: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: libpbbam-dev
 python-pysam  | any all          | 860704 | serious   | python-pysam: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: bcftools (>= 1.3.1)
 trilinos      | any all          | 836130 | wishlist  | trilinos: FTBFS without __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8
 trilinos      | any all          | 835406 | wishlist  | trilinos: FTBFS on 32-bit architectures
 trinityrnaseq | any all          | 860645 | serious   | trinityrnaseq: FTBFS on i386: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: jellyfish (>= 2.1.4), parafly
 wiredtiger    | any all          | 813960 | important | wiredtiger: FTBFS for non-amd64 CPUs
 kfreebsd-10   | kfreebsd-any all | 837289 | important | kfreebsd-10: FTBFS: objcopy:linux32_vdso.so: Invalid bfd target
(27 rows)

UDD query:
select s.source, architecture, id, severity, title from sources s
inner join (
select source, bugs.id id, bugs.title title, bugs.severity severity from bugs, bugs_usertags
where bugs.id = bugs_usertags.id
and email = 'debian-qa@lists.debian.org'
and tag = 'qa-ftbfs-20170418-i386' and status = 'pending') b on b.source = s.source
where release='stretch'
and component='main'
and s.source not in (
select source
from packages
where packages.architecture='i386'
and release='stretch'
and component='main')
and architecture ~ 'any'
order by architecture, source;

There are also many arch:all-only packages. One could argue that they should
just be built elsewhere, but on the other hand, test failures or segfaults
probably indicate breakage on i386 that is worth investigating. I'm not sure
if something can easily be done with them without further investigation.

                 source                  |   id   | severity  |                                 title
 3270font                                | 860649 | serious   | 3270font: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 android-platform-external-doclava       | 860686 | serious   | android-platform-external-doclava: FTBFS on i386: java.lang.StackOver
 astroquery                              | 860709 | serious   | astroquery: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: pybuild --test -i python{ver
 blockdiag                               | 860689 | serious   | blockdiag: FTBFS on i386: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 
 cinder                                  | 860642 | serious   | cinder: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 circlator                               | 860639 | serious   | circlator: FTBFS on i386: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: python3-p
 congress                                | 842244 | important | congress: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)
 cppad                                   | 860657 | serious   | cppad: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: make -j64 check ARGS+=-j64 return
 cross-toolchain-base                    | 860687 | serious   | cross-toolchain-base: FTBFS on i386: configure: error: cannot compute
 cross-toolchain-base-ports              | 860626 | serious   | cross-toolchain-base-ports: FTBFS on i386: configure: error: cannot c
 debian-design                           | 860603 | serious   | debian-design: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: boxer-data (>= 
 debian-parl                             | 860612 | serious   | debian-parl: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: boxer-data (>= 10
 dune-istl                               | 860666 | serious   | dune-istl: FTBFS on i386: io.hh:577:5: error: 'begin' was not declare
 dune-localfunctions                     | 860641 | serious   | dune-localfunctions: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 edk2                                    | 842683 | wishlist  | Please also provide the arm and ia32 builds of EDKII
 fonts-ocr-b                             | 860654 | serious   | fonts-ocr-b: FTBFS on i386: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 15
 gap-radiroot                            | 860648 | serious   | gap-radiroot: FTBFS on i386: not enough memory during build on i386
 glm                                     | 860701 | serious   | glm: FTBFS on i386: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minute
 golang-github-cznic-fileutil            | 860660 | serious   | golang-github-cznic-fileutil: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: go test -v
 golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt    | 851723 | important | golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)
 golang-github-ghodss-yaml               | 860628 | serious   | golang-github-ghodss-yaml: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: go test -v -p
 golang-github-jacobsa-bazilfuse         | 860623 | serious   | golang-github-jacobsa-bazilfuse: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_build: go ins
 golang-github-jacobsa-fuse              | 860703 | serious   | golang-github-jacobsa-fuse: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_build: go install 
 golang-github-jacobsa-ogletest          | 860646 | serious   | golang-github-jacobsa-ogletest: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: go test 
 golang-github-rackspace-gophercloud     | 860614 | serious   | golang-github-rackspace-gophercloud: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 golang-github-seccomp-libseccomp-golang | 860618 | serious   | golang-github-seccomp-libseccomp-golang: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test:
 golang-github-shopify-sarama            | 860705 | serious   | golang-github-shopify-sarama: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: go test -v
 golang-github-spf13-viper               | 860678 | serious   | golang-github-spf13-viper: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: go test -v -p
 golang-github-streadway-amqp            | 860684 | serious   | golang-github-streadway-amqp: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: go test -v
 golang-google-api                       | 860710 | serious   | golang-google-api: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: go test -v -p 64 goog
 golang-google-cloud                     | 860699 | serious   | golang-google-cloud: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 golang-gopkg-asn1-ber.v1                | 860633 | serious   | golang-gopkg-asn1-ber.v1: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: go test -v -p 
 golang-prometheus-client                | 855927 | serious   | golang-prometheus-client: FTBFS: dh_auto_build: go install -v -p 1 gi
 gopacket                                | 860692 | serious   | gopacket: FTBFS on i386: XXX
 jlapack                                 | 860675 | serious   | jlapack: FTBFS on i386: segfault
 jnr-posix                               | 860691 | serious   | jnr-posix: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin
 libmiglayout-java                       | 860632 | serious   | libmiglayout-java: FTBFS on i386: find: '/usr/share/maven-repo/org/co
 mhap                                    | 860672 | serious   | mhap: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: libssw-java
 mkosi                                   | 860637 | serious   | mkosi: FTBFS on i386: help2man: can't get `--help' info from ./mkosi
 node-grunt-contrib-copy                 | 860634 | serious   | node-grunt-contrib-copy: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 nova                                    | 860627 | serious   | nova: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 openbios                                | 860605 | serious   | openbios: FTBFS: make[4]: *** No rule to make target 'gcov-dump.texi'
 pbalign                                 | 860676 | serious   | pbalign: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: python-pbco
 pbgenomicconsensus                      | 860669 | serious   | pbgenomicconsensus: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: 
 polygen                                 | 860384 | important | polygen: FTBFS on 32-bit archs due to -seed $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH argume
 pydl                                    | 860679 | serious   | pydl: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 pymoc                                   | 860629 | serious   | pymoc: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: pybuild --test -i python{version}
 pysal                                   | 860694 | serious   | pysal: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: pybuild --test -i python{version}
 pytest                                  | 860663 | serious   | pytest: FTBFS on i386: segfault during tests
 python-biplist                          | 860656 | serious   | python-biplist: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: pybuild --test --test-no
 python-django                           | 860673 | serious   | python-django: FTBFS on i386: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 
 python-geopandas                        | 860621 | important | python-geopandas: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 python-multipletau                      | 860624 | serious   | python-multipletau: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: pybuild --test -i py
 python-passlib                          | 860619 | serious   | python-passlib: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 python-pbcommand                        | 860615 | serious   | python-pbcommand: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: py
 python-pbcore                           | 860644 | serious   | python-pbcore: FTBFS on i386: build-dependency not installable: pytho
 python-pyelftools                       | 860630 | serious   | python-pyelftools: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 ruby-awesome-print                      | 860651 | serious   | ruby-awesome-print: FTBFS on i386: ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" failed: Fail
 ruby-liquid                             | 860683 | serious   | ruby-liquid: FTBFS on i386: ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" failed: SyntaxError
 ruby-net-ldap                           | 860602 | serious   | ruby-net-ldap: FTBFS: ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" failed.
 ruby-rspec                              | 860693 | serious   | ruby-rspec: FTBFS on i386: ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" failed:      Failure
 ruby-seamless-database-pool             | 860708 | serious   | ruby-seamless-database-pool: FTBFS on i386: ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" fai
 ruby-spy                                | 860696 | serious   | ruby-spy: FTBFS on i386: ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" failed: SyntaxError: /
 ruby-timers                             | 860707 | serious   | ruby-timers: FTBFS on i386: ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" failed: Failure/Err
 ryu                                     | 860622 | serious   | ryu: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 sorl-thumbnail                          | 860668 | serious   | sorl-thumbnail: FTBFS on i386: segfault during tests
 spectral-cube                           | 860620 | serious   | spectral-cube: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 swift                                   | 860638 | serious   | swift: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
 telepathy-python                        | 832865 | important | telepathy-python: FTBFS: will not overwrite just-created '/«PKGBUILD
 txfixtures                              | 853056 | important | txfixtures: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)
 ufoai-maps                              | 860680 | serious   | ufoai-maps: FTBFS on i386: "mkdir /sbuild-nonexistent" failed, reason
 win32-loader                            | 860695 | serious   | win32-loader: FTBFS on i386: segmentation fault
(72 rows)

UDD query:
select distinct s.source, id, severity, substring(title from 0 for 70) title from sources s
inner join (
select source, bugs.id id, bugs.title title, bugs.severity severity from bugs, bugs_usertags
where bugs.id = bugs_usertags.id
and email = 'debian-qa@lists.debian.org'
and tag = 'qa-ftbfs-20170418-i386' and status = 'pending') b on b.source = s.source
where release='stretch'
and component='main'
and architecture = 'all'
order by source;


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