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Re: RFC: shorewall* for stretch?

Roberto C. Sánchez:
> [I am not subscribed to debian-release, please keep me in CC]
> Hello Release Folks,
> I would like to ask if it would be OK for me to update the shorewall*
> packages [0] prior to the stretch release.
> The current version of the packages in stretch/sid is and the
> new version which I would like to upload is
> The releases between .2 and .6 fix some important upstream bugs as well
> as update some documentation.  The most important fix relates to the
> .service files used by systemd.  The relevant upstream release note
> entry:
>     Now, when systemd stops a Shorewall-generated firewall, the
>     placed in the safe state rather than cleared.
> As the changes for all releases from .2 to .6 are very limited, I would
> rather upload new packages from upstream and I have prepared
> them already (debdiffs attached).  This will be less confusing for users
> than a targeted fix that results in a package.
> However, if that is not appropriate for some reason, I can resort to a
> targeted fix.
> How should I proceed?
> Regards,
> -Roberto
> [0] shorewall-init shorewall-core shorewall shorewall6 shorewall-lite
> shorewall6-lite

Ack please go ahead.

For future reference, please file an unblock request via reportbug (even
for pre-approvals) as they are easier to track.


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