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Bug#858635: unblock (pre-approval): dbus/1.10.18-1 with #857660 fixed

Simon McVittie:
> On Wed, 05 Apr 2017 at 10:23:00 +0000, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> Simon McVittie:
>>> I would like to check whether the fix for #857660 (fd.o #92832) is
>>> something the release team would be comfortable with seeing in stretch,
>>> or whether it should be deferred to buster. I was recently able to get
>>> it tested and reviewed by SELinux users other than its author.
>> I believe we have 1.11 now, so this should already be fixed via that,
>> correct?
> No, we only have 1.11 in experimental. dbus uses a GNOME-like odd/even
> versioning scheme, so 1.odd branches are unsuitable for stable [...]

Ah, indeed, I misread the dak output.

> The proposed fix for #857660 is a backport from the 1.11 branch.
> I'm intending to release 1.12.0 sometime after stretch is released, with
> buster probably shipping with 1.12.z or 1.14.z for some large number z.
> Please let me know whether you'd prefer me to release this change to
> 1.10.z for stretch, or exclude it from 1.10.z.

I am fine with it including it in stretch (at least assuming it is done
prior to the stretch release).

> [...]
> For the buster cycle (or at least the first part of it), I'm considering
> being more aggressive about uploading 1.odd.z releases to unstable
> so they get early testing, and switching to a 1.even.z branch (if
> necessarily releasing one specifically for Debian) at or before the
> transition freeze date. Would that be good to have?
>     S

Depends on how unstable the development releases are and how good we are
at catching the regressions before they reach testing. :)  Anyhow, the
early phases of the development cycle would be the time to experiment
with that. :)


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