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Re: Bug#855869: Processed: Re: Bug#855869: dsniff: segfaults on portmapper messages

Marcos Fouces:
> Dear release team,
> I would like to include in stretch the next release of dsniff (dsniff
> (2.4b1+debian-24, currently: dsniff (2.4b1+debian-23)
> As you can see, it fixes five grave bugs. The patches i applied are from
> Fedora and OpenBSD and are released time ago in their respective distros.
> The package lives here:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-security/dsniff.git
> Please, let me know of anything i could do to get dsniff in stretch
> Best regards,
> Marcos
> [...]

Hi Marcos,

Could you please open an unblock request (via reportbug
release.debian.org) and include a source debdiff of the changes. Feel
free to filter out translations and auto-generated files where
applicable with filterdiff -x '<pattern>'.


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