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Bug#854236: unblock: inkscape 0.92.1

Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Mattia Rizzolo:
> [ Keeping lot of context as this one email didn't make it to the ML due
> to the big attachment ]
> On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 11:05:28AM +0100, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
>> This is a preapproval request.
>> Currently stretch has inkscape version 0.92.0 + a bunch of patches
>> backported from their stable branch.  I'd like to eventually ship
>> 0.92.1, which is due in about 2 weeks if they keep the current schedule.
>> [...]
>> In particular there is one bugfix which I'm interested, which is causing
>> malformed rendering of text boxes.  This random blog post can give you
>> an idea of the problem (upstream is not good at bug triaging, so there
>> is no real trackable bug…):
>> http://peppercarrot.com/en/article396/new-inkscape-0-92-breaks-your-previous-works-done-with-inkscape
>> [...]
> In the meantime 0.92.1~pre2 happened.  [...]
> 0.92.1 is now totally freezed, and they expect to release it as is with
> just the version changed.
> https://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/inkscape-devel/thread/20170208223327.GI24863%40bryceharrington.org/#msg35655759
>> Thank you for considering.
> !

Hi Mattia,

I am ok with this provided:

 * We aim for 0.92.1 once that is released (assuming it is released
 * You are ready to react promptly to regressions
 * You are ready to promptly downgrade back to 0.92.0-4 plus minimal
   patches for fixing the text-height issue for the worst case.


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