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Re: heads up: packages blocked from testing due to infrastructure bugs

Jonathan Dowland:
> Hi,
> At least chocolate-doom and linux-wlan-ng are blocked from transitioning to
> testing due to a bug in "control-suite", part of the infrastructure on
> ftp.debian.org: #824169
> As far as we are aware, there are no RC problems in these packages themselves.
> I just wanted to let -release know and see if we can get some kind of assurance
> that freeze "exceptions" might be granted for packages in this situation, as we
> do not know how long it will take to fix the problem and have no experience or
> expertise in the ftp.debian.org infrastructure scripts.
> Thanks,

Hi Jonathan,

The release team cannot solve the underlying problem, so the underlying
assumption from me is that the FTP masters or you find a solution/work
around to that bug before the release.

At the current time, there is a 1½ until it becomes relevant with an
exception.  And I am happy to grant an exception for chocolate-doom to
at least 5th of Feb provided that nothing else hinders the testing
migration at that point in time.
  If the problem is still not resolved by the 5th of Feb, we will have
to revisit the issue and the exception.

Should the bug be fixed after the soft freeze but before 5th of Feb,
please submit an unblock request against release.debian.org /with/ a
reference to this mail.


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