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ITM: Britney2 branch britney-patch-bundle-201611 into master


I intend to merge the branch [britney-patch-bundle-201611] consisting
of 21 patches into master no later than Monday the 21st of November.  It
has been tested with [no regressions].
 * I have Cc'ed people, whom I know run Britney

Bugs fixed/Merges:
 * GH#11 (Pull config defaults from testing's Release file)
 * GH#12 (Handle missing arches in p-u gracefully)
   - This was tried and reverted in the 2016-09 patch bundle.  The
     change here is that we parse the "Release" rather than the
     "InRelease" file (as that does not require a newer version of

Other notes:
 * It cherry-picks 4 commits proposed by Martin Pitt to assist Ubuntu
   with refactoring some their changes into policies.
 * All modules are moved under "britney2" rather than being placed
   directly in the source root.
 * Our test suite provides an 87% coverage! (excluding live-data tests)

The shortlog:

Martin Pitt (4):
      Move build checks before running policies
      Pass excuse to BasePolicy.apply_policy()
      Move updating of excuses into policies
      Use Excuse.is_valid when iterating through checks and Policies

Niels Thykier (17):
      britney: Remove redundant if and obsolete comment
      britney: Be less forgiving about unsatisfiable depends
      Refactor all modules into a britney2 subdir
      britney: Skip architectures not listed in Release files
      Pull defaults for Components and Architectures from Release
      Collect suite metadata in a new member hash
      Use suite-info to provide the excuses suffix
      Correct description to say "Release" instead of "InRelease"
      Remove dead case in undo code
      Refactor out some some hash lookup in _compute_groups
      utils: Remove reundant VERSION=VERSION parameter
      utils: Replace a case of b[FOO] with b.foo
      undo_changes: Simplify case for virtual packages
      excuse.py: Drop now unused urgency field
      Sprinkle some "no cover" pragmas over the code base
      Assert that binaries have sensible arch values
      Show coverage reports in travis-ci builds


  Head is: 4eb5bdb3965bef9843ac7d1f2a5b675892396b23

[no regressions]: https://travis-ci.org/Debian/britney2/builds/175464367

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