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Bug#836917: transition: openmpi

I've done a round of rebuilds to assess the impact of this transition.
The results are summarized below. Several package suffer from
uninstallable build dependencies by having libopenmpi1.10 pulled in by
dependencies that failed to rebuild.

fftw (2.1.5-4) FTBFS due to . being removed from @INC in recent perl.

The gmsh (2.13.2+dfsg1-1) dependencies could initially not be installed
because hdf5 was still pulling in libopenmpi1.10 which conflicts with
libopenmpi2. The ben dependency levels did not reflect that. With the
rebuilt hdf5 the gmsh rebuild succeeded.

The molds (0.3.1-1) had a similar issue due to boost pulling in the old
libopenmpi1.10. With the rebuilt boost the molds rebuild succeeded too.

p4est (1.1-2) FTBFS due to test failures.

tachyon (0.99~b6+dsx-5) FTBFS due to: undefined reference to symbol

abyss (1.9.0-1) FTBFS due to: db-csv.cc:23:9: error: cannot convert
'std::ifstream {aka std::basic_ifstream<char>}' to 'bool' in return

gromacs (2016-2) FTBFS due to test failures.

scalapack (1.8.0-12.3) FTBFS due to undefined references to MPI symbols.

Bugreports for the above will be filed soon.

Transition: openmpi

 libopenmpi1.10 (1.10.3-3) -> libopenmpi2 (2.0.1-3)

The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows.

 aces3 (sid only)       (3.0.8-5)                 FTBFS (#831164)
 arpack                 (3.4.0-1)                 OK
 blacs-mpi              (1.1-37)                  OK
 boost1.58              (1.58.0+dfsg-5.1)         FTBFS (#811651)
 boost1.61              (1.61.0+dfsg-2.1)         OK
 cctools (sid only)     (4.0-1)                   OK
 dune-grid              (2.4.1-1)                 OK
 fftw                   (2.1.5-4)                 FTBFS
 fftw3                  (3.3.4-2)                 OK
 gerris                 (20131206+dfsg-9)         OK
 gmsh                   (2.13.2+dfsg1-1)          OK
 gpaw                   (1.1.0-1)                 OK
 hdf5                   (1.8.16+docs-8)           OK
 hpcc                   (1.4.3-1)                 OK
 hyphy                  (2.2.6+dfsg-5)            OK
 hypre                  (2.8.0b-3)                OK
 molds                  (0.3.1-1)                 OK
 mpi4py                 (2.0.0-2)                 OK
 mpqc (sid only)        (2.3.1-16.1)              FTBFS (#812036)
 mpqc3                  (0.0~git20160216-3)       OK
 mrbayes                (3.2.6+dfsg-1)            OK
 mrmpi                  (1.0~20140404-1)          OK
 octave-mpi             (1.2.0-2)                 OK
 open-coarrays          (1.7.0-1)                 OK
 otf                    (1.12.5+dfsg-2)           OK
 p4est                  (1.1-2)                   FTBFS
 palabos                (1.5~r1+repack1-2)        OK
 parmetis               (4.0.3-4)                 OK
 pnetcdf                (1.7.0-1)                 OK
 ray                    (2.3.1-4)                 OK
 regina-normal          (4.96-4)                  OK
 rmpi                   (0.6-6-1)                 OK
 ruby-mpi               (0.3.0-1)                 OK
 scotch                 (5.1.12b.dfsg-2)          OK
 spooles                (2.2-12)                  OK
 tachyon                (0.99~b6+dsx-5)           FTBFS
 valgrind               (1:3.12.0~svn20160714-1)  OK

 abyss                  (1.9.0-1)                 FTBFS
 adios                  (1.9.0-12)                BD-UNINST
 ampliconnoise          (1.29-5)                  OK
 code-saturne           (4.2.1+repack-1)          OK
 elkcode (sid only)     (2.3.22-1)                FTBFS (#825934)
 ffindex                (               OK
 gfsview                (20121130+dfsg-2)         OK
 gromacs                (2016-2)                  FTBFS
 lammps                 (0~20151117.gite3c4db7-3) OK
 libghemical (sid only) (3.0.0-4.1)               BD-UNINST
 libgpiv                (0.6.1-4.3)               OK
 mathgl                 (2.3.4-1)                 FTBFS (#835680)
 meep-mpi-default       (1.3-3)                   OK
 meep-openmpi           (1.3-3)                   OK
 mpb                    (1.5-2)                   OK
 murasaki               (1.68.6-6)                OK
 music (sid only)       (1.0.7-1.2)               FTBFS (#811907)
 netpipe                (3.7.2-7.4)               OK
 ns3                    (3.25+dfsg2-3)            OK
 openmx                 (3.7.6-1)                 OK
 paraview               (5.1.2+dfsg1-1)           BD-UNINST
 phyml                  (3:3.2.0+dfsg-2)          OK
 prime-phylo            (1.0.11-4)                OK
 python-escript         (               OK
 relion                 (1.4+dfsg-2)              OK
 scalapack              (1.8.0-12.3)              FTBFS
 silo-llnl              (4.10.2-6)                OK
 starpu                 (1.1.4+dfsg-6)            OK
 starpu-contrib         (1.1.4+dfsg-6)            OK
 tessa (sid only)       (0.3.1-6.1)               FTBFS (#817690)
 tree-puzzle            (5.2-8)                   OK
 vtk6                   (6.3.0+dfsg1-1)           BD-UNINST
 yorick                 (2.2.04+dfsg1-6)          OK
 zalign                 (0.9.1-2)                 OK

 elpa                   (2016.05.001-1)           BD-UNINST
 esys-particle          (2.3.4+dfsg1-2)           BD-UNINST
 eztrace                (1.1-3-1)                 OK
 freefoam               (0.1.0+dfsg+1-4)          BD-UNINST
 gyoto                  (1.0.2-3)                 OK
 ifrit                  (4.1.2-5)                 BD-UNINST
 liggghts               (3.4.0+repack1-2)         BD-UNINST
 mumps                  (4.10.0.dfsg-4)           BD-UNINST
 nwchem (sid only)      (6.6+r27746-2)            BD-UNINST

 cp2k                   (3.0.0-1)                 BD-UNINST
 espresso               (5.4.0+dfsg-1)            BD-UNINST
 freefem++ (sid only)   (3.47+dfsg1-1)            BD-UNINST
 petsc                  (3.7.3.dfsg1-2)           BD-UNINST
 rheolef                (6.7-1)                   BD-UNINST
 trilinos               (12.6.4-1)                BD-UNINST

 aster                  (11.5.0+dfsg2-4)          BD-UNINST
 petsc4py               (3.7.0-2)                 BD-UNINST
 slepc                  (3.7.2+dfsg1-2)           BD-UNINST

 deal.ii                (8.4.2-1)                 BD-UNINST
 getdp                  (2.9.2+dfsg1-1)           BD-UNINST
 slepc4py               (3.7.0-2)                 BD-UNINST

 dolfin                 (2016.1.0-2)              BD-UNINST

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/6750F10AE88D4AF1
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