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Bug#787024: transition: libaqbanking

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org@packages.debian.org
Usertags: transition

Hi release team,

The AqBanking library (source package libaqbanking) got its SONAME bumped. For
this reason some package names need to be changed. I just uploaded the
following binary package name changes as libaqbanking/5.6.0beta-1 to

libaqbanking34-dev -> libaqbanking35-dev
libaqbanking34-plugins -> libaqbanking35-plugins
libaqbanking34 -> libaqbanking35
libaqbanking34-dbg -> libaqbanking35-dbg

On the Transitions wiki page you mention that changing the name of -dev
packages should be avoided. As AqBanking's API seems to have stabilized
recently, do you recommend to transition the -dev package to the new name
libaqbanking-dev instead? If so, is there anything to keep in mind if the old
package libaqbanking34-dev already has a Provides: libaqbanking-dev (it has it
actually long since)? The reverse dependencies currently all build-depend on

The following reverse dependencies will be impacted by this transition:


Ben file:

title = "libaqbanking";
is_affected = .depends ~ /libaqbanking34/ | .depends ~ /libaqbanking35/;
is_good = .depends ~ /libaqbanking35/;
is_bad = .depends ~ /libaqbanking34/;

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