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Bug#782190: pre-approve: nginx/1.6.3-1

Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Thu, 2015-04-09 at 11:53 +0300, Christos Trochalakis wrote:
> I have prepared an upload for nginx (1.6.3-1) and I'd like to request a
> pre-approval for jessie.

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you regarding this.

As we decided not to include the new version of nginx in the initial
release, the request has now been converted to a potential p-u.

> 1.6.3 is the latest upstream stable bugfix release including 6 bug fixes[0].
> One of them fixes a tcp nodelay issue with spdy that effectively makes spdy
> unusuitable for production use.
> Upstream already maintains a stable branch and has proven that it does
> it well, backporting only what's absolutely needed. I believe it is
> better for debian and nginx maintainers to follow suit and package 1.6.3
> for jessie.

In isolation the diff doesn't look too bad, but it appears that 1.6.3 or
newer has not yet been uploaded to unstable. That would need to have
happened before we could look at updating stable.

As a note, I do find it quite difficult looking at upstream's change
list and the diff to tie up what parts of the diff are fixing which
issues. For example, "Bugfix: in error handling" and "Bugfix: alerts
"sem_post() failed" might appear in logs" tell very little about what
the actual issue being fixed is, and none of the listed changes
obviously covers things such as:

+            || n == SSL_R_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK                     /*  373 */



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