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Bug#778665: unblock: logol/1.7.0-2

Le Thu Feb 19 2015 at 11:08:46 AM, Mehdi Dogguy <mehdi@dogguy.org> a écrit :
Le 2015-02-19 07:50, olivier sallou a écrit :
>> b) It was not part of past stable releases.
> As it did not exist before, it could not be in previous stable
> releases....

Please understand that this is an important bit of information for us
it means that there are no stable users that will keep an old and no
version of the software... because it has been removed from the new
Well this matters to keeping gridengine or not. Logol has no security issue by itself, it only depends on a gridengine library. 

> c) I am not comfortable with the introduced changes to remove DRMAA
> support.
> I am the author of the software, so I can tell you changes are fine.
> We
> just remove the drmaa support option.

I can well undestand that you are the upstream author and are confident
with the introduced changes. This doesn't mean that any change you may
introduce is bug-free. Any change requires some amount of time for
even if appears trivial.
It only removes one of the execution options. 



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