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Bug#775892: unblock (pre-approval): python-django/1.7.3-1

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org@packages.debian.org
Usertags: unblock

I would like to upload python-django 1.7.3-1 to sid and jessie.
It's a new upstream version but it contains only bugfixes
(a few of which are security related, see #775375).

The diffstat is massive (see below) but it's partly because upstream is
very serious about its stable release process, all changes come with tests
and documentation. I would like Django to have the same kind of trust
that you have into PostgreSQL. You can have a look at
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/internals/release-process/ and
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/misc/api-stability/ for instance.

There a lot of bugfixes in 1.7.2 that are not in Jessie and that
are really important. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/releases/1.7.2/
for details. My comaintainer Brian May was hit by
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23581 for example.

And like I argued previously, Django is a package with regular security
updates. By refusing to integrate new stable upstream versions, it gets harder
and harder to apply security updates over time as we diverge from the upstream
codebase. Since we want to support Jessie for 5 years, I would like
us to follow the stable releases of the 1.7.x branch throughout the jessie

Please let me know your thoughts.

unblock python-django/1.7.3-1

Some notes:
- the final upload will include the bug closure of #775375
- there's a small tweak of a Suggests dependency, it was not intended for
  jessie but I don't see how it can hurt and did not bother to revert it

Here's the diffstat of the debdiff. I attach the filtered debdiff without the
tests & doc change.

 Django.egg-info/PKG-INFO                                   |    4 
 Django.egg-info/SOURCES.txt                                |   45 
 PKG-INFO                                                   |    4 
 debian/changelog                                           |   20 
 debian/control                                             |    2 
 debian/gbp.conf                                            |    2 
 django/__init__.py                                         |    2 
 django/apps/registry.py                                    |   14 
 django/conf/locale/el/formats.py                           |   36 
 django/conf/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/django.po                |   19 
 django/conf/locale/uk/formats.py                           |    2 
 django/contrib/admin/actions.py                            |   21 
 django/contrib/admin/checks.py                             |    7 
 django/contrib/admin/options.py                            |   23 
 django/contrib/admin/sites.py                              |    4 
 django/contrib/admin/static/admin/js/SelectFilter2.js      |    2 
 django/contrib/admindocs/views.py                          |   17 
 django/contrib/auth/__init__.py                            |   15 
 django/contrib/auth/decorators.py                          |    5 
 django/contrib/auth/hashers.py                             |    4 
 django/contrib/auth/middleware.py                          |   20 
 django/contrib/auth/tests/test_forms.py                    |    2 
 django/contrib/auth/tests/test_hashers.py                  |    6 
 django/contrib/auth/tests/test_middleware.py               |   53 
 django/contrib/auth/tests/test_views.py                    |   26 
 django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/schema.py             |    7 
 django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/creation.py      |    3 
 django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py                     |    2 
 django/contrib/gis/db/models/proxy.py                      |    2 
 django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/query.py                  |    2 
 django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py                             |    2 
 django/contrib/gis/tests/geoapp/tests.py                   |   19 
 django/contrib/gis/tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py |   29 
 django/contrib/sites/management.py                         |   10 
 django/contrib/sites/tests.py                              |   61 
 django/contrib/webdesign/tests.py                          |    4 
 django/core/exceptions.py                                  |    5 
 django/core/files/base.py                                  |    7 
 django/core/management/commands/flush.py                   |   10 
 django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py            |    2 
 django/core/management/commands/migrate.py                 |    3 
 django/core/management/commands/runserver.py               |    4 
 django/core/management/commands/sqlsequencereset.py        |    2 
 django/core/management/commands/squashmigrations.py        |   32 
 django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py                  |    2 
 django/core/servers/basehttp.py                            |   11 
 django/db/backends/mysql/base.py                           |    3 
 django/db/backends/mysql/validation.py                     |    4 
 django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py                      |    4 
 django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/schema.py           |   22 
 django/db/backends/schema.py                               |  162 -
 django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py                       |   28 
 django/db/migrations/autodetector.py                       |   74 
 django/db/migrations/executor.py                           |   17 
 django/db/migrations/graph.py                              |   65 
 django/db/migrations/loader.py                             |    8 
 django/db/migrations/migration.py                          |   42 
 django/db/migrations/operations/base.py                    |    4 
 django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py                  |   26 
 django/db/migrations/operations/models.py                  |   31 
 django/db/migrations/optimizer.py                          |    9 
 django/db/migrations/questioner.py                         |    8 
 django/db/migrations/state.py                              |   19 
 django/db/migrations/writer.py                             |   59 
 django/db/models/base.py                                   |   12 
 django/db/models/fields/__init__.py                        |    8 
 django/db/models/fields/related.py                         |    6 
 django/db/models/sql/compiler.py                           |    2 
 django/db/models/sql/query.py                              |   55 
 django/db/utils.py                                         |    2 
 django/forms/fields.py                                     |   17 
 django/forms/models.py                                     |   47 
 django/middleware/csrf.py                                  |    6 
 django/shortcuts.py                                        |    7 
 django/template/base.py                                    |    4 
 django/template/debug.py                                   |    4 
 django/template/defaultfilters.py                          |    6 
 django/utils/datetime_safe.py                              |   12 
 django/utils/decorators.py                                 |    2 
 django/utils/html.py                                       |   10 
 django/utils/http.py                                       |    1 
 django/utils/safestring.py                                 |   10 
 django/utils/six.py                                        |  354 ++-
 django/utils/text.py                                       |    6 
 django/views/static.py                                     |    5 
 docs/Makefile                                              |    7 
 docs/conf.py                                               |    1 
 docs/faq/install.txt                                       |    6 
 docs/howto/auth-remote-user.txt                            |   16 
 docs/howto/custom-file-storage.txt                         |   17 
 docs/howto/custom-lookups.txt                              |   23 
 docs/howto/custom-management-commands.txt                  |    6 
 docs/howto/deployment/wsgi/modwsgi.txt                     |   18 
 docs/howto/deployment/wsgi/uwsgi.txt                       |    2 
 docs/howto/error-reporting.txt                             |   12 
 docs/howto/initial-data.txt                                |    4 
 docs/howto/windows.txt                                     |    4 
 docs/index.txt                                             |   12 
 docs/internals/contributing/writing-code/unit-tests.txt    |   10 
 docs/internals/deprecation.txt                             |    4 
 docs/internals/release-process.txt                         |   10 
 docs/intro/reusable-apps.txt                               |   21 
 docs/intro/tutorial02.txt                                  |    9 
 docs/intro/tutorial03.txt                                  |    2 
 docs/ref/applications.txt                                  |    2 
 docs/ref/checks.txt                                        |    7 
 docs/ref/contrib/admin/admindocs.txt                       |   11 
 docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt                           |   69 
 docs/ref/contrib/gis/admin.txt                             |    2 
 docs/ref/contrib/gis/geos.txt                              |   12 
 docs/ref/contrib/gis/install/geolibs.txt                   |    5 
 docs/ref/contrib/gis/install/index.txt                     |    9 
 docs/ref/contrib/gis/install/spatialite.txt                |   39 
 docs/ref/contrib/gis/testing.txt                           |   12 
 docs/ref/contrib/sites.txt                                 |    4 
 docs/ref/databases.txt                                     |   31 
 docs/ref/django-admin.txt                                  |   23 
 docs/ref/files/storage.txt                                 |   19 
 docs/ref/forms/api.txt                                     |    2 
 docs/ref/forms/formsets.txt                                |    2 
 docs/ref/forms/validation.txt                              |    9 
 docs/ref/models/fields.txt                                 |   38 
 docs/ref/models/instances.txt                              |   28 
 docs/ref/models/options.txt                                |    4 
 docs/ref/models/querysets.txt                              |   58 
 docs/ref/request-response.txt                              |   14 
 docs/ref/schema-editor.txt                                 |   17 
 docs/ref/settings.txt                                      |   23 
 docs/ref/signals.txt                                       |    9 
 docs/ref/templates/api.txt                                 |   27 
 docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt                            |   46 
 docs/ref/utils.txt                                         |    6 
 docs/releases/1.0-alpha-1.txt                              |  161 -
 docs/releases/1.0-alpha-2.txt                              |  135 -
 docs/releases/1.0-beta-2.txt                               |  119 -
 docs/releases/1.0-beta.txt                                 |  153 -
 docs/releases/1.1-alpha-1.txt                              |  165 -
 docs/releases/1.1-beta-1.txt                               |  208 --
 docs/releases/1.1-rc-1.txt                                 |  109 -
 docs/releases/1.2-alpha-1.txt                              |  588 -----
 docs/releases/1.2-beta-1.txt                               |  173 -
 docs/releases/1.2-rc-1.txt                                 |  101 
 docs/releases/1.3-alpha-1.txt                              |  397 ---
 docs/releases/1.3-beta-1.txt                               |  231 --
 docs/releases/1.4-alpha-1.txt                              | 1125 ----------
 docs/releases/1.4-beta-1.txt                               | 1197 -----------
 docs/releases/1.4.17.txt                                   |   17 
 docs/releases/1.4.18.txt                                   |   68 
 docs/releases/1.5-alpha-1.txt                              |  634 ------
 docs/releases/1.5-beta-1.txt                               |  706 ------
 docs/releases/1.5.12.txt                                   |   14 
 docs/releases/1.5.txt                                      |   28 
 docs/releases/1.6.10.txt                                   |   69 
 docs/releases/1.6.9.txt                                    |   16 
 docs/releases/1.6.txt                                      |   49 
 docs/releases/1.7.2.txt                                    |  194 +
 docs/releases/1.7.3.txt                                    |   91 
 docs/releases/1.7.txt                                      |   32 
 docs/releases/index.txt                                    |   32 
 docs/releases/security.txt                                 |    4 
 docs/spelling_wordlist                                     |    2 
 docs/topics/auth/customizing.txt                           |    6 
 docs/topics/auth/default.txt                               |    9 
 docs/topics/auth/passwords.txt                             |    2 
 docs/topics/cache.txt                                      |   19 
 docs/topics/checks.txt                                     |    5 
 docs/topics/db/aggregation.txt                             |   11 
 docs/topics/db/models.txt                                  |   17 
 docs/topics/db/sql.txt                                     |    2 
 docs/topics/db/transactions.txt                            |    2 
 docs/topics/email.txt                                      |   15 
 docs/topics/forms/formsets.txt                             |    2 
 docs/topics/forms/index.txt                                |   30 
 docs/topics/forms/modelforms.txt                           |    7 
 docs/topics/http/sessions.txt                              |    4 
 docs/topics/i18n/translation.txt                           |    2 
 docs/topics/migrations.txt                                 |  106 -
 docs/topics/python3.txt                                    |   23 
 docs/topics/serialization.txt                              |   12 
 docs/topics/signals.txt                                    |    7 
 docs/topics/templates.txt                                  |   19 
 docs/topics/testing/advanced.txt                           |   88 
 docs/topics/testing/tools.txt                              |   30 
 setup.cfg                                                  |    2 
 setup.py                                                   |    2 
 tests/admin_checks/tests.py                                |   34 
 tests/admin_util/models.py                                 |   64 
 tests/admin_util/tests.py                                  |  353 ---
 tests/admin_utils/models.py                                |   64 
 tests/admin_utils/tests.py                                 |  353 +++
 tests/admin_validation/tests.py                            |    4 
 tests/admin_views/admin.py                                 |   33 
 tests/admin_views/models.py                                |   36 
 tests/admin_views/tests.py                                 |   90 
 tests/admin_widgets/tests.py                               |    2 
 tests/apps/tests.py                                        |   40 
 tests/backends/tests.py                                    |    4 
 tests/commands_sql/tests.py                                |    2 
 tests/csrf_tests/tests.py                                  |    5 
 tests/custom_columns_regress/tests.py                      |    2 
 tests/custom_lookups/models.py                             |    8 
 tests/custom_lookups/tests.py                              |   34 
 tests/expressions/tests.py                                 |    2 
 tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py                        |   12 
 tests/files/tests.py                                       |   11 
 tests/fixtures_migration/fixtures/initial_data.json        |    9 
 tests/fixtures_migration/migrations/0001_initial.py        |   16 
 tests/fixtures_migration/models.py                         |    5 
 tests/fixtures_migration/tests.py                          |   34 
 tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py                      |   16 
 tests/forms_tests/tests/test_util.py                       |   91 
 tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py                      |  113 +
 tests/i18n/test_extraction.py                              |    8 
 tests/indexes/tests.py                                     |   47 
 tests/invalid_models_tests/test_custom_fields.py           |   20 
 tests/logging_tests/tests.py                               |   16 
 tests/migrate_signals/tests.py                             |   22 
 tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py                      | 1351 +++++++------
 tests/migrations/test_base.py                              |    6 
 tests/migrations/test_commands.py                          |   68 
 tests/migrations/test_executor.py                          |   96 
 tests/migrations/test_graph.py                             |   41 
 tests/migrations/test_operations.py                        |   91 
 tests/migrations/test_writer.py                            |   20 
 tests/model_fields/models.py                               |    2 
 tests/model_fields/tests.py                                |    4 
 tests/model_forms/models.py                                |    2 
 tests/model_forms/tests.py                                 |   50 
 tests/model_inheritance/tests.py                           |    2 
 tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py                    |   44 
 tests/model_regress/tests.py                               |   44 
 tests/project_template/test_settings.py                    |   29 
 tests/project_template/urls.py                             |    7 
 tests/project_template/views.py                            |    5 
 tests/queries/models.py                                    |   15 
 tests/queries/tests.py                                     |   61 
 tests/requirements/mysql.txt                               |    2 
 tests/resolve_url/tests.py                                 |   12 
 tests/resolve_url/urls.py                                  |    5 
 tests/runtests.py                                          |    5 
 tests/schema/models.py                                     |   12 
 tests/schema/tests.py                                      |   89 
 tests/serializers_regress/tests.py                         |    4 
 tests/servers/test_basehttp.py                             |   67 
 tests/signed_cookies_tests/tests.py                        |    2 
 tests/staticfiles_tests/tests.py                           |    4 
 tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py                      |   17 
 tests/test_runner/tests.py                                 |    2 
 tests/test_utils/views.py                                  |    4 
 tests/update_only_fields/tests.py                          |    2 
 tests/utils_tests/test_datetime_safe.py                    |    9 
 tests/utils_tests/test_http.py                             |    3 
 tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py                       |   49 
 tests/validation/tests.py                                  |    2 
 tests/view_tests/media/long-line.txt                       |    1 
 tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py                        |    7 
 tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py                      |   10 
 257 files changed, 5106 insertions(+), 8377 deletions(-)

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 8.0
  APT prefers squeeze-lts
  APT policy: (500, 'squeeze-lts'), (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable'), (500, 'oldstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=fr_FR.utf8, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.utf8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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Attachment: python-django.debdiff.xz
Description: application/xz

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