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Re: Bug#758616: dpkg: support installing M-A:same packages with different binNMU version


On Fri, 2014-11-28 at 15:17:29 +0000, Wookey wrote:
> What is the current thinking on this for Jessie? I presume that at
> this stage it is not going to be implemented so running lots of
> binNMUs, or no-change sourceful upload to syncronise all arches is the
> only fix available in that timeframe?

I asked this on d-r last time it got brought up on d-d, but given the
lukewarm response, I didn't try anything further.


> Does anyone know of problems that comparison of the source version
> would actually cause? This seems to me to be the right way to deal
> with this problem, but I don't claim any particular insight. Is the
> worry just 'unforseen side-effects in complex code'? Syncronisation
> with apt?

I started implementing this, but posponed finishing it up for 1.18.x,
given the above response. If there is still interest I could propose
a patch. But it might end up being a non-minimal change.

As discussed some time ago on #debian-bootstrap, this just defers any
breakage to the reference counting code, so it just makes that
possible breakage be detectable later on. (The whole thing still seems
to me to be broken by design, but that ship sailed long ago.)


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