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Bug#768933: unblock: jscommunicator

Control: tags -1 -wontfix

On 10/11/14 17:42, Niels Thykier wrote:
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo wontfix
> On 2014-11-10 11:04, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> Package: release.debian.org
>> Bugs:
>> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=768363
>>    - this corrects the version in the constraint to depend on
>> fonts-font-awesome 4.1.0~dfsg
>> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=768632
>>    - this ensures compatibility with older versions of jQuery found in
>> Debian / drupal7 package
>> This is a new upstream release (from 1.1.1 to 2.0.1).  WebRTC is a fast
>> moving technology and it is in the best interests of users to offer the
>> latest version of the package.  Browser vendors assure
>> This package has not been updated in unstable for a few months because
>> related dependencies were in the FTP new queue
>> (drupal7-mod-jqueryi18nproperties and drupal7-mod-fontawesome) until
>> just before the freeze and so I have only been able to test all these
>> packages together as a set over the last few days.  If I had uploaded
>> earlier it would have broken the drucall package.
>> There will also be an unblock request for drupal7-mod-drucall which is
>> based on jscommunicator
>> [...]
> Hi,
> I am afraid that I have to decline your request, since the changes are
> incompatible with the freeze policy.  Based on your explain, it sounds
> like jscommunicator is more suited for -backports.

I understand there are policies for the freeze

At the bottom (yes, I read the whole policy), it states "For packages
which missed the freeze only for reasons outside of the control of the
maintainers, we might be generous, but you need to contact us on your
own".  So I have contacted you by doing the necessary work and sending
the release team fully documented unblock requests.

In this case, reasons outside my control were the related packages stuck
in the NEW queue since I uploaded them in August.  I attach the original
notifications from the uploads.  They were only accepted by the FTP
masters on 10 and 11 October, which is exactly when I was departing for
a lengthy trip, which included several free software/Debian related
activities, just getting back home a day before the freeze.

As mentioned already, this package is closely related to an emerging
feature in the browser packages, iceweasel and chromium.  Both of those
packages were updated to newer versions during the wheezy freeze[1] and
both of them were updated during the various wheezy updates too, not
just through backports.

Please tell me which justification was used for updating browser
packages in stable to newer versions (rather than just cherry-picking
fixes) and whether that can be extrapolated to packages like
jscommunicator that have a close relationship to browser features like
WebRTC that are changing.

Furthermore, JSCommunicator 2.x has not changed from an API user
perspective.  The only dependent package is drupal7-mod-drucall and I
have updated that so everything works together and gives Debian users
the optimal experience.

> Would you prefer to have jscommunicator at its current version (1.1.1-1)
> in Jessie or do you feel that we would be better off without it?

Actually, I think the world would be better off without Microsoft and
Skype.  If Debian policy brings us to the point where people are
actively talking about removing WebRTC capabilities from testing less
than a week into the freeze then the policy is not working in the best
interest of Debian's mission or openness in general.

--- Begin Message ---
binary:drupal7-mod-fontawesome is NEW.
source:drupal7-mod-fontawesome is NEW.

Your package has been put into the NEW queue, which requires manual action
from the ftpteam to process. The upload was otherwise valid (it had a good
OpenPGP signature and file hashes are valid), so please be patient.

Packages are routinely processed through to the archive, and do feel
free to browse the NEW queue[1].

If there is an issue with the upload, you will recieve an email from a
member of the ftpteam.

If you have any questions, you may reply to this email.

[1]: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
binary:drupal7-mod-jqueryi18nproperties is NEW.
source:drupal7-mod-jqueryi18nproperties is NEW.

Your package has been put into the NEW queue, which requires manual action
from the ftpteam to process. The upload was otherwise valid (it had a good
OpenPGP signature and file hashes are valid), so please be patient.

Packages are routinely processed through to the archive, and do feel
free to browse the NEW queue[1].

If there is an issue with the upload, you will recieve an email from a
member of the ftpteam.

If you have any questions, you may reply to this email.

[1]: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html

--- End Message ---

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