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Bug#768301: unblock: nwall/1.32+debian-4.2

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org@packages.debian.org
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package nwall

(I just uploaded this NMU to DELAYED/10, it is not yet in sid)

nwall shipped directories in /var/lock (policy 9.3.2) #768273
This is the last package emitting the lintian tag
dir-or-file-in-var-lock that has no RC bugs (the other is dansguardian
which has an unrelated RC bug). Let's get jessie free of this tag!

debdiff attached, excluding config.guess/config.sub updates performed
by debian/rules clean

unblock nwall/1.32+debian-4.2

diffstat for nwall_1.32+debian-4.1 nwall_1.32+debian-4.2

 debian/dirs                            |    2 
 nwall-1.32+debian/config.guess         |  367 ++++++++++++---------------------
 nwall-1.32+debian/config.sub           |  177 +++++++++------
 nwall-1.32+debian/debian/changelog     |   10 
 nwall-1.32+debian/debian/lintian/nwall |    2 
 nwall-1.32+debian/debian/rules         |    2 
 6 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 305 deletions(-)

diff -u nwall-1.32+debian/config.sub nwall-1.32+debian/config.sub
diff -u nwall-1.32+debian/config.guess nwall-1.32+debian/config.guess
--- nwall-1.32+debian/debian/dirs
+++ nwall-1.32+debian.orig/debian/dirs
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff -u nwall-1.32+debian/debian/rules nwall-1.32+debian/debian/rules
--- nwall-1.32+debian/debian/rules
+++ nwall-1.32+debian/debian/rules
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
 	# Installing package
 	$(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/nwall/usr localstatedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/nwall/var
+	rmdir $(CURDIR)/debian/nwall/var/lock/nwall/pts $(CURDIR)/debian/nwall/var/lock/nwall $(CURDIR)/debian/nwall/var/lock
 	# Installing lintian overrides
 	for LINTIAN in debian/lintian/*; \
 	do \
diff -u nwall-1.32+debian/debian/changelog nwall-1.32+debian/debian/changelog
--- nwall-1.32+debian/debian/changelog
+++ nwall-1.32+debian/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+nwall (1.32+debian-4.2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Do not ship /var/lock/nwall. Lack of this directory on wheezy systems with
+    a ramdisk for /run does not seem to have caused any problems, so do not
+    add an initscript to create it. Using /var/lock for opt-out flag files
+    seems flawed anyway, since they won't survive a reboot.  (Closes: #768273)
+ -- Andreas Beckmann <anbe@debian.org>  Thu, 06 Nov 2014 11:35:52 +0100
 nwall (1.32+debian-4.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non maintainer upload.
diff -u nwall-1.32+debian/debian/lintian/nwall nwall-1.32+debian/debian/lintian/nwall
--- nwall-1.32+debian/debian/lintian/nwall
+++ nwall-1.32+debian/debian/lintian/nwall
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-nwall: non-standard-dir-perm var/lock/nwall/ 0775 != 0755
-nwall: non-standard-dir-perm var/lock/nwall/pts/ 0775 != 0755
 nwall: file-in-unusual-dir var/log/nwall.log
 nwall: non-standard-file-perm var/log/nwall.log 0664 != 0644
 nwall: setgid-binary usr/bin/nwall 2555 root/tty

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