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Re: #764284: after ntfs-3g upgrade, testdisk cannot be installed (Depends: error)

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Roland Stigge <stigge@antcom.de> wrote:
> turns out that through a (somehow hidden) library transition from
> libntfs-3g851 to libntfs-3g852 (source:ntfs-3g), testdisk's #764284 can
> be solved via a binNMU rebuild on all architectures.
 Yes, it was new to me as well; ntfs-3g provides a hidden library,
libntfs-3g852 this time.

> Can you please trigger this?
 I've tested partclone and testdisk, a binNMU is enough. Just found
libguestfs which I have not tested yet, but a binNMU should solve this
as well.


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