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Re: [debian-mysql] MySQL in Jessie

----- ondrej@sury.org wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 1, 2014, at 12:01, James Page wrote:
> > Just to be clear, there is no library transition for the 5.5 -> 5.6
> > upgrade of mysql so I think we are OK timing wise.
> JFTR PHP will sort-of-break when compiled with mysql-5.5 and linked with
> mysql-5.6 spouting warnings about library version mismatch like crazy.
> (I could patch that out since I am doing that in my PPAs anyway if I am
> given heads up in time.)

Thank's for the heads up!

I'm curious why this happens. Does it call mysql_get_client_version() and expect it to always match what it was compiled with? There are only compatible ABI changes, so the soname is unchanged.


Norvald H. Ryeng

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