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Bug#736494: About #736494


On 2014-04-16 10:19, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
On Sun, April 13, 2014 14:39, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
On Sun, 2014-04-13 at 13:58 +0200, William Dauchy wrote:
Is there someone available to validate this package? Lots of present
fixes are more than needed to have an usable version of php in

Such comments really aren't that helpful. It's entirely possible "to
have an usable version of php in production" using the current package
in wheezy, or it wouldn't have made it in to wheezy in the first place
and no-one would have been using it on stable systems for the past year. (That's not to say that some people aren't adversely affected by issues
in the current package, but that's far from your claim that it's
generally unusable.)

I realise you've put a lot of effort in to the patch, and that's
obviously appreciated, but a diff for stable of the size

 46 files changed, 4303 insertions(+), 372 deletions(-)

where most of the diff appears to be actual changes (as opposed to
translations, or autogenerated files) is non-trivial to review,
particularly when people are already short on time. :(

I fully understand the lack of manpower. But also, obviously the update
fixes significant bugs and has seen lots of real world testing, probably
more than many of the other packages proposed for a stable update.


One thing that wasn't absolutely clear from the original (although I guess was potentially implied) is whether any of the fixes which are relevant have previously been applied in some way to the packages in unstable.

Is there a model or approach you can suggest that would work for the SRMs?

In all honesty, I'm not sure putting the changes off any longer is going to increase the chances of someone finding the time to do a detailed review. I'm also conscious that we're now within a few days of the window for 7.5 closing.

If the upload was made in time, I'm inclined to accept it for 7.5; it will need updating to account for the fact that there's been a stable-security upload since the original diff was produced.

On a related note, it would be appreciated if comments such as "cleanup series" were more verbose in future, as it appears to have involved removing enabled patches (which ones hopes have been replaced by newer patches) as well as those which were already disabled.



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