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Bug#729296: Please binNMU kde-style packages against libkdecorations4abi2

Control: block -1 by 729587

On 2013-11-14 15:26, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
On 2013-11-14 8:57, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
El 2013-11-11 a las 17:16 +0000, Adam D. Barratt escribió:
This is really a transition, afacit. Well, a set of transitions.
Given the size of the package set involved, was this discussed with
anyone on the Release side before the uploads to unstable occured?

No, it wasn't discussed previous upload, sorry about that. I was
expecting the
kde-style-* packages to be affected, but not the plasma-widget-smooth-tasks,
I'll get the binNMUs scheduled shortly.

For the record, the rebuilds for kwin-* failed due to #729587.



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