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Bug#693550: unblock: mame/0.146-5


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 02:59:04PM +0100, Emmanuel Kasper wrote:
> > Why does this change it to -mtune=generic instead of just nothing
> > at all?
> I asked Cesare Falco, the developper who did this commit, and his
> answer is
> " My idea was to make the build as optimized as possible
> without breaking compatibility with older CPUs, which
> is exactly the meaning of the generic tuning."
> It looks OK to me according to the detailed description of the option
> when it was introduced to gcc:
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2006-01/msg01045.html
> " The option is mainly intended
> to help building distributions where you don't know what CPU the code
> will run on in advance."

While in the long run, not adding anything would probably be the best
thing, but this is what was tested and was found to fix a crash reported
in LP. If necessary, I'll prepare a -6 with this dropped entirely, which
is the plan for future non-wheezy uploads.

> >> Finally, mame/0.146-5 includes minor changes in the default
> >> configuration file, as we want to revert an unfortunate commit
> >> which slipped through. (debdiff will be included, but right now
> >> it is treated as spam by bugs-master.debian.org  ...)
> >> 
> > This one needs more details because I don't know what it's trying
> > to fix, and what impact it has.

My biggest concern about this is the default search path for per-user
configuration files got changed a while ago, and I never noticed until
it was too late.

When I started working on MAME, we established ~/.mame would be the
directory for all things config for MAME, as one would expect (sure, in
retrospect I'd be considering ~/.config/mame now, but that's another
story). With this config, users would configure MAME using


This commit changed this and changed all paths to ~/mame, regardless of
their type (config, autogenerated stuff, savegames, etc vs. data).


-5 is an attempt to bring mame.ini to its initial state.

As wheezy is the first release with mame and mess, I'd like to see this
change accepted so we don't force a path update for jessie.

As for MESS, Ivo asks in #693562 about the mess.ini changes in the
debdiff. I believe the uimodekey setting slipped in the system config by
mistake and then got (silently, grr) removed. As for video, it was set
to opengl because that's the only usable mode available, then changed to
software emulation (which is unusably slow) due to some unreproducible
reports of X server crashes when starting mess or mame, and then reverted
once again to opengl as it's the only setting that makes these programs
actually usable, and the X crashes weren't confirmed. Or that's what I
recall about this.

I'm sorry there's no full mention of all of this in the changelogs, no
excuse for that.

In short, we're requesting unblocks:

unblock mame/0.146-5
unblock mess/0.146-4

Thanks for considering,
Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer     http://www.debian.org/
jordi@sindominio.net     jordi@debian.org     http://www.sindominio.net/
GnuPG public key information available at http://oskuro.net/

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