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Bug#729296: Please binNMU kde-style packages against libkdecorations4abi2

¡Hola Adam!

El 2013-11-14 a las 15:26 +0000, Adam D. Barratt escribió:
> Great; thanks. I've taken the liberty of repurposing this bug
> slightly to track the transition as a whole, as it means we've got a
> central point which reflects the overall status. There's a tracker
> at http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/kde4.11.html ; I
> suspect a lot of the "unknown" is accounted for by packages which
> depend on parts of kde-workspace that haven't changed their package
> name.

> I'll get the binNMUs scheduled shortly.

By #729216, digikam also needs to be rebuilt, it's currently built against
libmarblewidget15, which is coinstallable with libmarblewidget16, but,
marble-plugins (which both libmarblewidget packages recommend) include the
plugins in a library major dependant directory, so libmarblewidget15 can't
access them. This reduces the functionality provided by libmarblewidget
dependant packages, but I shouldn't make them unusable.

nmu digikam_4:3.5.0-3 . ALL . -m "Rebuild against KDE 4.11.x"

This may be affecting calligra's calligra-reports-map-element and
kexi-map-form-widget packages, but we had no reports about this.

nmu calligra_1:2.6.4-1+b1 . ALL . -m "Rebuild against KDE 4.11.x"

: You are in a dark room with a compiler, emacs, an internet connection,
: and a thermos of coffee.
: Your move ?
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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